Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 23 July 2024

(1) Appendix 4: Monitoring Framework

The following proposed monitoring framework provides a tool for how the Council will monitor the performance of its draft policies. The following table provides a draft assessment of how the Council consider it can monitor the effectiveness of the proposed policies. We are keen to hear your views on the proposed indicators and any further suggestions on ways we can monitor their performance.

Figure 46. Rother Local Plan Proposed Monitoring Framework

Local Plan Policy/Strategy

How can we monitor this?

Proposed Policy GTC1: Net Zero Building Standards

  • % of planning applications approved that have submitted an energy statement.
  • % of development where a BRE Home Quality Mark assessment is undertaken.
  • % of applications meeting LETI standards proposed: residential development, non-residential development, and embodied carbon.

Proposed Policy GTC2: Net Zero Retrofit Standards

  • % of planning applications approved that have submitted an energy statement.
  • % of development meeting BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment standards.

Proposed Policy GTC3: Construction materials and waste

  • % of developments undertaking a BRE pre-demolition audit or similar outlining materials for reuse prior to demolition or retrofit.

Proposed Policy GTC4: Water Efficiency

  • % of applications providing evidence how it will meet the optional technical housing standard.
  • % of applications implementing water efficiency measures.

Proposed Policy GTC5: Heat networks

  • % of applications where developer contributions were secured on liable developments.

Proposed Policy GTC6: Renewable and low carbon energy

  • % of applications for solar energy approved with opposition from High Weald National Landscape.
  • % loss of priority habitats as identified in the Biodiversity monitoring report.

Proposed Policy GTC7: Local Nature Recovery Areas

  • % loss of areas identified for Nature Recovery.

Proposed Policy GTC8: Biodiversity Net Gain

  • % of qualifying development delivering 20% BNG. % of sites delivering on-site delivery compared to off-site delivery.

Proposed Policy GTC9: High Weald National Landscape

  • % of applications approved with opposition from High Weald National Landscape.

Proposed Policy LWL1: Compact Development

  • Average density of new developments delivered in the 5 area types compared to the density requirements.

Proposed Policy LWL2: Facilities & Services

  • % of new developments in urban, suburban and live well locally area types located within 800m walking distance of local amenities.
  • % of new developments of 150 homes or more or 15,000sqm or more non-residential floorspace delivering an indoor meeting space.
  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'facility and services' consideration in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.

Proposed Policy LWL3: Walking, Wheeling, Cycling & Public Transport (Outside the Site)

  • % of new major developments delivering active travel infrastructure and coastal access (where relevant).
  • % of new developments of 50 or more homes delivering high quality walking, Cycling and Wheeling routes and cycle routes to key destinations. 
  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'natural connections' and 'walking, cycling and public transport' considerations in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.

Proposed Policy LWL4: Walking, Wheeling, Cycling & Public Transport (Within the Site)

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LWL4 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'cycle and car parking and 'walking, cycling and public transport' considerations in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.

Proposed Policy LWL5: Distinctive Places

  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'making the most of what is there' and a 'memorable character' considerations in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LWL5 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy LWL6: Built Form

  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'homes for everyone' consideration in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LWL6 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy LWL7: Streets for All

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LWL7 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'well defined streets and spaces' and 'healthy streets' considerations in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.

Proposed Policy LWL8: Multimodal Parking

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LWL7 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'cycle and car parking' consideration in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.

Proposed Strategy: Overall Spatial Development Strategy

  • Annual delivery of housing numbers and employment floorspace against annual district target.

Vision for Bexhill

  • Annual delivery of housing numbers and employment floorspace against annual Bexhill target.

Vision for Hastings Fringes and surrounding settlements

  • Annual delivery of housing numbers and employment floorspace against annual Hastings Fringes target.

Vision for Battle and surrounding settlements

  • Annual delivery of housing numbers and employment floorspace against annual Battle target.

Vision for Rye and the Eastern Settlement Cluster

  • Annual delivery of housing numbers and employment floorspace against annual Rye and Eastern Cluster target.

Vision for Northern Rother

  • Annual delivery of housing numbers and employment floorspace against annual Northern Rother target.

Vision for the Countryside

  • No monitoring proposed.

Proposed Strategy: Sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

  • Annual delivery and identified supply of gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople sites against rolling 5-year target.

Proposed Policy DEV1: General Development Considerations

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy DEV1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy DEV2: Comprehensive Development and Masterplanning

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy DEV2 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy DEV3: Development Boundaries

  • % of new development approved outside of development boundaries.
  • % of new development within development boundaries on brownfield sites.

Proposed Policy DEV4: Retention of Sites of Community or Commercial Value

  • Amount of community or employment floorspace lost per annum to other uses.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy DEV4 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy DEV5: Development on small sites and windfall development

  • % of housing delivery delivered on small and medium sites (compared to target of 20%).
  • Number of windfall dwellings delivered (compared to target of 39 dwellings per annum).

Proposed Policy DEV6: Strategic Green Gaps

  • % of new development proposed within strategic green gaps, contrary to planning policy response or office report.

Proposed Policy HWB1: Supporting Health and Wellbeing

  • Life expectancy at birth.
  • Residents with long term illness.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HWB1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HWB2: Health Impact Assessments

  • % qualifying applications approved without a HIA.
  • Number of applications screened and % qualifying applications where HIA screening was undertaken.
  • % qualifying applications where HIA screening resulted in full HIA being required.
  • % of qualifying schemes that proceed with an objection from ESCC on public health grounds.

Proposed Policy HWB3: Reducing Harmful Impacts on Health

  • % of applications for hot food takeaways granted within 400m of the boundary of a school or park.
  • Total number of new approvals for betting shops, casinos, pay day loan shops or hot food take aways.

Proposed Policy HWB4: Community Facilities and Services

  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'facility and services' consideration in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.
  • Net additional floorspace in Class C2, E(d-f), F1 and F2.

Proposed Policy HWB5: Green and Blue Infrastructure

  • % of new residential developments satisfying the 'green and blue infrastructure' considerations in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.
  • Net gain/loss in areas of designated open space and priority habitats.
  • Net gain/loss in designated playing pitches/fields.

Proposed Policy HWB6: Public Rights of Way

  • Net change in areas of public rights of way.

Proposed Policy HWB7: Combe Valley Countryside Park

  • Net loss in area of open space of Combe Valley Countryside Park. % of applications approved contrary to planning policy advice or recommendations of officer report in the Combe Valley Countryside Park.

Proposed Policy INF1: Strategic Infrastructure Requirements

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy INF1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • Tracking the delivery of strategic infrastructure in line with timescales identified in the IDP.

Proposed Policy INF2: Digital Connectivity

  • % of new major developments that secure and deliver Fibre to the Premise connection.

Proposed Policy HOU1: Mixed and Balanced Communities

  • % of new residential developments that satisfy the 'homes for everyone' consideration in the Building for Healthy Life Toolkit.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % of new housing development permissions that are policy compliant in delivering affordable housing.

Proposed Policy HOU2: Affordable Housing

  • % of new housing development permissions that are (i) policy compliant and (ii) exceeding minimum requirements, in delivering affordable housing.
  • % of new housing developments permitted where viability evidence demonstrates lower level of affordable housing.
  • Gross number of affordable dwellings delivered per annum.

Proposed Policy HOU3: 100% Affordable Housing Developments

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU3 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % of 100% affordable housing schemes delivered out of all qualifying residential developments.
  • % of 100% affordable housing schemes that proceed with a planning obligation/S106 agreement.
  • Number of 100% affordable housing schemes delivered and number of affordable units delivered in total.

Proposed Policy HOU4: Allocating Sites for Wholly or Substantially Affordable Housing

  • % of overall identified housing numbers identified in Neighbourhood Plans where sites are wholly or substantially affordable housing.

Proposed Policy HOU5: Rural Exception Sites

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU5 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % of overall housing delivered through rural exception sites on a parish basis.

Proposed Policy HOU6: Sub-division of dwellings, and Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU6 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • Number of gross housing units per per annum that are achieved through conversions and subdivision into HMOs (including units of accommodation within HMOs).

Proposed Policy HOU7: Residential Internal Space Standards

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU7 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU8: Access Standards

% of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU8 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU9: Specialist Housing for Older People

  • Number of specialist dwellings for older people approved per annum.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU9 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU10: Residential Care Homes for Older People

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU10 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • Percentage of older people achieving independence through rehab/intermediate care.
  • Number of care beds lost as a result of planning permission for change of use of existing care homes.
  • Number of new care beds gained as a result of new permissions.

Proposed Policy HOU11: Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Criteria

  • Net additional gypsy, travellers and travelling showpeople pitches provided in Rother per annum.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU11 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU12: Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding

  • Gross self and custom housebuild dwellings delivered each year, and compared against total demand.
  • % of new housing developments of 20 or more dwellings that deliver at least 5% as custom or self- build plots.

Proposed Policy HOU13: New Dwellings in the Countryside

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU13 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • % and number of new dwellings delivered in rural 'countryside' locations per annum.

Proposed Policy HOU14: External Residential Areas

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU14 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU15: Extensions to Residential Gardens

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU15 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU16: Extensions, Alterations and Outbuildings

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU16 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU17: Annexes

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU17 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU18: Boundary Treatments and Means of Enclosure

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU18 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HOU19: Accesses and Drives

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HOU19 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ECO1: Supporting New Employment Development

  • Amount of employment floorspace delivered per annum, that is either not allocated or forming part of an agricultural diversification scheme.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ECO2: Protecting Existing Employment Sites and Premises

  • Amount of employment floorspace lost per annum to other uses.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO2 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ECO3: Designated Town Centres

  • % of new development of 'main town centre uses' approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO4 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • Level of vacancy of units in designated Town Centre and District Centres. Overall net/loss gain in 'main town centre use' floorspace within designated Town and District Centres.
  • Overall net/loss gain in retail floorspace within Designated Primary Shopping Areas.

Proposed Policy ECO4: Retail and Leisure Impact Assessments

  • % of permitted qualifying applications for 'main town centre uses' submitting an Impact Assessment.
  • % of permitted qualifying retail applications submitting an Impact Assessments.

Proposed Policy ECO5: Tourism Activities, Facilities and Accommodation

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO5 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • Overall net gain/loss in visitor accommodation (bed spaces) per annum.
  • Overall net gain/loss in tourism related development (excluding visitor accommodation) per annum.

Proposed Policy ECO6: Holiday Sites

% of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO6 as identified in planning policy response or officer report. Overall net gain/loss in land area for holiday sites per annum.

Proposed Policy ECO7: Agriculture development and forestry

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO7 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ECO8: Agricultural Diversification

  • Amount of floorspace delivered per annum that forms part of an agricultural diversification scheme.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO8 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ECO9: Local Employment & Skills

  • % of qualifying developments that produce and deliver a Local Employment and skills Plan.
  • % of qualifying developments that secure financial sums through a legal agreement.
  • Qualifications and skills levels of working age population, and change per annum.

Proposed Policy ECO10: Equestrian Developments

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ECO10 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy LAN1: Rural Environments and Landscape Character

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LAN1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.
  • Extent and change in area of environmentally designated sites.

Proposed Policy LAN2: Trees, woodlands and hedgerows

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LAN2 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy LAN3: Dark Skies

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy LAN3 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV1: Coastal, Water and Flood Risk Management

  • Environment Agency objections to planning applications based on flood risk or drainage.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV2: Sustainable Surface Water drainage

  • % of qualifying permitted developments that provide at least 3 stages of treatment of water within the hydrological catchments of the Pevensey Levels and the Dungeness Complex of Habitats Sites.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV2 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV3: Land Stability

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV3 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV4: Fairlight Cove Coastal Change Management Area

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV4 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV5: Habitats and Species

  • Extent and change in area of environmentally designated sites. Extent and change in area of priority habitats.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV5 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV6: Sustainable Access and Recreation Management Strategy

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV6 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy ENV7: Environmental pollution

  • NO2 levels (μg/m3) in AQMA meeting air quality objective standards (2020).
  • PM10 levels (μg/m3) in AQMA meeting air quality objective standards (2019).
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy ENV6 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HER1: Heritage Management

  • Number of buildings (and annual change) on the heritage at risk register.
  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HER1 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HER2: Traditional Historic Farm Buildings

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HER2 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Proposed Policy HER3: Shopfronts, signage and advertising

  • % of new development approved, contrary to meeting the requirements of Policy HER3 as identified in planning policy response or officer report.

Question Box

(6) 208. What are your views on the proposed monitoring framework and indicators for each proposed planning policy?

(1) 209. Are there any additional indicators that can be used to identify the effectiveness of each of the proposed planning policies?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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