Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 23 July 2024

(2) Appendix 1: Strategic and Non-strategic Policies

Strategic Policies

Green to the Core

Proposed Policy GTC1: Net Zero Building Standards
Proposed Policy GTC2: Net Zero Retrofit Standards
Proposed Policy GTC3: Construction Materials and Waste
Proposed Policy GTC6: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy
Proposed Policy GTC7: Local Nature Recovery Areas
Proposed Policy GTC8: Biodiversity Net Gain
Proposed Policy GTC9: High Weald National Landscape

Live Well Locally
Proposed Policy LWL1: Compact Development
Proposed Policy LWL2: Facilities & Services
Proposed Policy LWL3: Walking, Wheeling, Cycling & Public Transport (Outside the Site)
Proposed Policy LWL4: Walking, Wheeling, Cycling & Public Transport (Within the Site)
Proposed Policy LWL5: Distinctive Places Proposed Policy LWL6: Built Form
Proposed Policy LWL7: Streets for All
Proposed Policy LWL8: Multimodal Parking

Development Strategy
Proposed Policy DEV1: General Development Considerations
Proposed Policy DEV2: Comprehensive Development and Masterplanning
Proposed Policy DEV3: Development Boundaries
Proposed Policy DEV4: Retention of Sites of Social or Economic Value
Proposed Policy DEV5: Development on Small Sites and Windfall Development
Proposed Policy DEV6: Strategic Green Gaps

Health and Wellbeing
Proposed Policy HWB1: Supporting Health and Wellbeing
Proposed Policy HWB2: Health Impact Assessments
Proposed Policy HWB3: Reducing Harmful Impacts on Health
Proposed Policy HWB4: Community Facilities and Services
Proposed Policy HWB5: Green and Blue Infrastructure
Proposed Policy HWB6: Public Rights of Way

Proposed Policy INF1: Strategic Infrastructure Requirements
Proposed Policy INF2: Digital Connectivity

Proposed Policy HOU1: Mixed and Balanced Communities
Proposed Policy HOU2: Affordable Housing
Proposed Policy HOU3: 100% Affordable Housing Developments
Proposed Policy HOU4: Allocating Sites for Wholly or Substantially Affordable Housing
Proposed Policy HOU5: Rural Exception Sites
Proposed Policy HOU6: Sub-division of Dwellings, and Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Proposed Policy HOU7: Residential Internal Space Standards
Proposed Policy HOU8: Access Standards
Proposed Policy HOU9: Specialist Housing for Older People
Proposed Policy HOU10: Residential Care Homes for Older People
Proposed Policy HOU12: Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding
Proposed Policy HOU13: New Dwellings in the Countryside

Proposed Policy ECO1: Supporting New Employment Development
Proposed Policy ECO2: Protecting Existing Employment Sites and Premises
Proposed Policy ECO3: Designated Town Centres
Proposed Policy ECO4: Retail and Leisure Impact Assessment
Proposed Policy ECO5: Visitor Accommodation
Proposed Policy ECO6: Holiday Sites
Proposed Policy ECO7: Agriculture Development and Forestry
Proposed Policy ECO8: Agricultural Diversification
Proposed Policy ECO9: Local Employment & Skills
Proposed Policy ECO10: Equestrian Developments

Landscape Character
Proposed Policy LAN1: Rural Environments and Landscape Character

Environmental Management
Proposed Policy ENV1: Coastal, Water and Flood Risk Management

Proposed Policy HER1: Heritage Management
Proposed Policy HER2: Traditional Historic Farm Buildings

Non-Strategic Policies

Green to the Core
Proposed Policy GTC4: Water Efficiency
Proposed Policy GTC5: Heat Networks

Health and Wellbeing
Proposed Policy HWB7: Combe Valley Countryside Park

Proposed Policy HOU11: Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Criteria
Proposed Policy HOU14: External Residential Areas
Proposed Policy HOU15: Extensions to Residential Gardens
Proposed Policy HOU16: Extensions, Alterations and Outbuildings
Proposed Policy HOU17: Annexes
Proposed Policy HOU18: Boundary Treatments and Means of Enclosure
Proposed Policy HOU19: Accesses and Drives

Landscape Character
Proposed Policy LAN2: Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows
Proposed Policy LAN3: Dark Skies

Environmental Management
Proposed Policy ENV2: Sustainable Surface Water Drainage
Proposed Policy ENV3: Land Stability
Proposed Policy ENV4: Fairlight Cove Coastal Change Management Area
Proposed Policy ENV5: Habitats and Species
Proposed Policy ENV6: Sustainable Access and Recreation Management Strategy
Proposed Policy ENV7: Environmental Pollution

Proposed Policy HER3: Shopfronts, Signage and Advertising

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