Rock Channel Rye Development Brief
Infrastructure and Contributions
140. Policy GD2 of the Local Plan requires the provision of infrastructure needed to serve the development. Such provision may be on site, off site or in the form of funding contributions or land. Where land is in separate ownerships, proposals should demonstrate that the necessary infrastructure will be provided to serve the whole site.
141. In line with Policy GD2, a function of this development brief is to ensure co-ordinated development in the Rock Channel area, individual sites contributing to wider objectives for the area. Individual developments will also be required to meet the own infrastructure and policy requirements generated by their own specific development.
142. The infrastructure, or where appropriate contributions towards it, will be secured through the means of a planning agreement (a 'Section 106 agreement') completed in association with any planning consent.
143. The following elements, discussed in more detail in the Development Principles and relevant Opportunity Areas sections of this Brief, should be provided as part of a development proposal:
- Highway improvements
- Service road(s) of an adoptable standard
- Affordable housing provision
- Riverside/pedestrian walk
- Cycle route
- Public open space
144. Financial contributions towards the following elements will also be required:
- Completion of riverside/pedestrian walk to link Strand Quay to Fishmarket
- Completion of cycle route to link Strand Quay to Fishmarket and to link to National Cycle Route 2
- Public art provision
- Maintenance of any infrastructure transferred to a public body (as detailed in para. 75 of the Brief)