Rock Channel Rye Development Brief

Ended on the 7 September 2007
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Purpose of the Brief

13. The purpose of the brief is to elaborate on Policy RY3, setting out how the policy's requirements should be delivered. By setting out clear development principles, it will provide a planning framework for the preparation and consideration of planning applications, helping to achieve co-ordinated development to ensure that individual proposals contribute to the overall objectives and vision for the area. By this means it should provide for a more certain planning process as well as highlighting the development opportunities in the area.

14. Land within the area is in a diversity of different ownerships and, in the absence of an overall planning framework, there is a risk that sites will be redeveloped in the future without reference to, and improvement of, the wider area.

15. The role of the Council, in consultation with other stakeholders, is to ensure that the planning framework will deliver the objectives for the Rock Channel area. Landowners will ultimately be responsible for delivering change by bringing forward sites for redevelopment.

Plan A: RY3 Policy Area

Plan A: RY3 Policy Area
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