Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Ended on the 11 November 2011


(2)6.1 The Vision in the previous chapter is translated into the Strategic Objectives set out in Table 1 below:

(5)Table 1 Strategic Objectives

Theme Strategic Objective

Overall Spatial Strategy

To achieve a pattern of activity and development that contributes to the Sustainable Community Strategy, the ‘Spatial Vision’ and particular local circumstances and environmental resources.


To strengthen the identity of Bexhill and for it to become one of the most attractive places to live on the south coast, attractive to families, the young and elderly alike, within an integrated approach to securing a more prosperous future for the Bexhill and Hastings area.

Hastings Fringes

To provide attractive and accessible fringes of Hastings, consistent with environmental designations.


To improve the economic and social well-being of Rye, including in relation to its market town role, tourism and the Port of Rye, whilst fully respecting and sensitively managing its historic character, vulnerability to flooding and ecologically important setting.


To support the market town and tourist centre role and character of Battle, and conserve its historic core and setting.

Rural Areas

To meet local needs and support vibrant and viable mixed communities in the rural areas, whilst giving particular attention to the social, economic, ecological and intrinsic value of the countryside.

Sustainable Resource Management

To mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts, and to use natural resources efficiently.


To continue to support, and further develop, vibrant, safe, balanced and inclusive communities.

Local Housing Needs

To provide housing in a way that supports local priorities and provides choice, including for affordable housing.


To secure sustainable economic growth for existing and future residents and provide greater prosperity and employment opportunities for all.


To maintain the high quality, and improve the long term stewardship, of the natural and built environment, with full regard to potential future consequences of climate change.

Transport and Accessibility

To provide a higher level of access to jobs and services for all ages in both urban and rural areas, and improve connectivity with the rest of the region.

6.2 The above Strategic Objectives provide the basis for developing the strategies for spatial areas, as contained in Part III, and for the ‘core polices’ relating to sustainable development, community development, environment, housing, the economy, and accessibility, that are put forward in Part IV.

6.3 Delivery of the Strategic Objectives is also to be pursued by the specific consideration of related infrastructure requirements of the strategy and the establishment of a monitoring framework, with indicators that relate to them (see final chapter).

6.4 The Strategic Objectives have been assessed for their sustainability through the Sustainability Appraisal process.

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