Core Strategy Issues & Options

Ended on the 8 December 2006


17.1 The Council will acknowledge all written comments (including those sent electronically) it receives on this Discussion Document.It should be pointed out that they will be available for others to see - they will not normally be treated confidentially.

17.2 A summary of all comments received will be published and made available for inspection/purchase on request in due course.

17.3 The Council will carefully consider the comments, from individuals, groups and organisations.It may need to discuss them further with you.

17.4 Comments will help steer the direction of the Core Strategy, including of the development options.They may also highlight areas where further evidence-gathering is required.

17.5 The next stage in the process (see Section 1) will be the publication of 'Preferred Options'.This is due in summer 2007.

17.6 That document will refine the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and broad locations for development.In its production, options will be tested against a Sustainability Framework.

17.7 There will be further consultation on the 'Preferred Options', as well as on the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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