North East Bexhill Masterplan
Ended on the 27 July 2007
Land north of Pebsham, Bexhill, including Worsham Farm and Glovers Farm, as defined on the Proposals Map, is allocated for a mix of housing, business and related uses.
Proposals will be permitted where the following criteria are met:
- a comprehensive scheme is put forward, embracing both residential and business elements, to be progressed in parallel and provide for job creation at the earliest opportunity;
- the residential development shall be developed as a new community around a well-defined neighbourhood centre;
- at least 980 dwellings should be provided, of which 40% shall be affordable;
- some 22,000m2 of business floorspace shall be provided;
- the new neighbourhood centre shall include a new one-form entry primary school, nursery school, community hall, shops and services to meet local day-to-day needs and an amenity/recreation area;
- no development shall be occupied until the Link Road is constructed and open, unless demonstrated by a Transport Assessment that the impact upon the main road network is acceptable and in accordance with an agreed phasing plan for the overall development of the Policy BX2 and BX3 policy areas, while the actual location of development will have regard to the approved route;
- business development will be of a high quality, with high specification, prestige buildings in prominent and "landmark" locations, contained within a generous landscape framework;
- employment uses will be either offices, research and development or light manufacturing, falling within Class B1 of the Use Classes Order;
- the layout and design of the new community shall accord with the principles laid out in Policy HG4 and incorporate open spaces and play areas in accordance with Policy CF4 in addition to the strategic "green" spaces and corridors and woodland areas shown;
- access roads shall be from the proposed Link Road with two connections from Wrestwood Road, as shown on the Proposals Map, except that any developments which may be permitted to be brought into use before the opening of the Link Road in accordance with criterion (vi) may be permitted to take temporary access from another road but only until a new access has been established to the Link Road and Wrestwood Road as to be provided for in the North Bexhill Master Plan SPD;
- a local distributor road shall form the northern edge of built development and shall be laid out as a wide "country avenue", contained to the north by a strong landscape tree belt; this shall incorporate a bus route and segregated cycleway/footway, which connect key destinations within the development and beyond;
- an overall net housing density of not less than 35 dwellings per hectare with a net housing density for each area or sub area within the development of not less than 30 dwellings per hectare with higher densities of not less than 40 dwellings per hectare close to the neighbourhood centre and public transport routes, the extent and minimum density for each sub area to be defined in the North Bexhill Master Plan SPD;
- land to the north of the "avenue" will be incorporated into the Countryside Park and remain undeveloped, with the possible exception of land south of Combe Wood where recreational uses may be permitted if subsequently shown to be warranted by a recreational needs assessment;
- land at the eastern end of the "avenue" may be reserved for a small car park to serve the Countryside Park;
- development contributions are made towards off-site improvements to related community facilities, transport and other supporting infrastructure. Development proposals will be subject to a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan, but may relate to high frequency bus services/facilities to Bexhill town centre and north Hastings, pedestrian and cycle links to Sidley, Bexhill town centre and the Countryside Park. Contributions would also be required towards the Countryside Park, recreational provision, library improvements and secondary school provision.
Policy BX3
Land north of Sidley, Bexhill, including Oaktree Farm and Preston Hall Farm, as shown on the Proposals Map, is allocated for major business development, together with housing and open space within a generous landscape setting.
Proposals will be permitted where the following criteria are met:
- a comprehensive scheme is put forward, embracing both residential and business elements, to be progressed in parallel and provide for job creation at the earliest opportunity;
- some 26,000m2 of business floorspace shall be provided. This will be mostly light manufacturing and offices, falling within Class B1 of the Use Classes Order; Class B2 (general industry) and Class B8 (storage) uses will only be allowed in visually contained locations away from housing;
- at least 130 dwellings shall be developed, of which 40% shall be affordable, with no sub areas to be developed at less than 30 dwellings per hectare;
- proposals for structural open spaces, landscape and woodland belts shall be developed and implemented as an integral part of proposals;
- the layout and design of the residential development shall accord with the principles laid out in Policy HG4 and incorporate open spaces and play areas in accordance with Policy CF4 in addition to the strategic "green" spaces and corridors and woodland areas shown;
- there shall be no new dwellings in the vicinity of Preston Hall to the north of the allocated housing area;
- vehicular access shall be from the Link Road via the Country Avenue local distributor road with a loop road to connect the employment areas to the local distributor road;
- a local distributor road shall form the northern edge of built development and shall be laid out as a wide "country avenue", contained to the north by a strong landscape tree belt; this shall incorporate a bus route and segregated cycleway/footway, which connect key destinations within the development and beyond, as indicated diagrammatically on the Proposals Map including the "Green Links" along Buckholt Lane and to Watermill Lane;
- housing development will be accessed by an access road from the western end of northern avenue, with pedestrian/cycle access only to adjoining residential areas;
- development contributions are made towards off-site improvements to related community facilities, transport and other supporting infrastructure. Development proposals will be subject to a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan, but may relate to high frequency bus services/facilities to Bexhill town centre and north Hastings, pedestrian and cycle links to Sidley, Bexhill town centre and the Countryside Park. Contributions would also be required towards the Countryside Park, recreational provision; library improvements and secondary school provision.
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