Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

Ended on the 20 February 2017

List of Policies/Options for consultation

Development Policies

Sustainable Resource Management

Policy DRM1:Water Efficiency

OptionsRenewable Energy


Policy DCO1:Retention of Sites of Social or Economic Value

Policy DCO2:Equestrian Development

Local Housing Needs

OptionsAffordable Housing - Thresholds

Policy DHG1:Residential Internal Space Standards

Policy DHG2:Accessible and Adaptable Homes

OptionsHousing for Older People

OptionsSelf-build and Custom Housebuilding

Policy DHG3:External Residential Areas

Policy DHG4:Extensions to Residential Gardens

Policy DHG5:Extensions, Alterations and Outbuildings

Policy DHG6:Residential Annexes

Policy DHG7:Boundary Treatments

Policy DHG8:Accesses and Drives


Policy DEC1:Shopfronts and Advertising

Policy DEC2:Holiday Sites

Policy DEC3:Existing Employment Sites and Premises


Policy DEN1:Maintaining Landscape Character

Policy DEN2:The High Weald Area of outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

Policy DEN3:Strategic Gaps

Policy DEN4:Biodiversity and Green Space

Policy DEN5:Sustainable Drainage

Policy DEN6:Land Stability

Policy DEN7:Environmental Pollution


Policy DIM1:Comprehensive Development

Policy DIM2:Development Boundaries

Site Allocations


Policy BEX1:Land at Levetts Wood and Oaktree Farm, Sidley

Policy BEX2:Land at Preston Hall Farm, Sidley

Policy BEX3:Land at North Bexhill

Policy BEX4:Land at Former High School Site and Drill Hall, Down Road, Bexhill

Policy BEX5:Land at Gullivers Bowls Club, Knole Road, Bexhill

Policy BEX6:Land adjacent to Cemetery Lodge /276 Turkey Road, Bexhill

Policy BEX7:Land at Moleynes Mead, Fryatts Way, Bexhill

Policy BEX8:Land south of Terminus Road

Policy BEX9:Land off Spindlewood Drive, Bexhill

Policy BEX10:Land at Barnhorn Green, Bexhill

OptionsNortheye (Former United Arab Emirates - Technical Training Project)

Policy BEX11:Sidley Sports and Social Club, Glovers Lane

Policy BEX12:Bexhill Town Centre

Policy BEX13:The Bexhill Primary Shopping Area

Policy BEX14:Bexhill Cultural Area

Policy BEX15:Land south-east of Beeching Road

OptionsLondon Road - Sackville Road Enhancement Area

Policy BEX16:Little Common and Sidley District Centres

Hastings Fringes

Policy HAS1:Land at Michael Tyler Furniture, Woodlands Way, Hastings

Policy HAS2:Land east of Burgess Road, Hastings

Policy HAS3:Land north of A265, Ivyhouse Lane, Hastings

Policy HAS4:Rock Lane Urban Fringe Management Area

Policy HAS5:Combe Valley Countryside Park


Beckley/Four Oaks

Policy BEC1:Land east of Hobbs Lane, Beckley Four Oaks

Policy BEC2:Land south of Buddens Green, Beckley Four Oaks

Broad Oak

Policy BRO1:Land west of A28, Northiam Road, Broad Oak

Policy BRO2:Land south of the Rainbow Trout Pub, Broad Oak


Policy CAM1:Land at the Former Putting Green Site, Camber

Policy CAM2:Land at the Central Car Park, Camber


Policy CAT1:Land to the Rear of the White Hart, Catsfield

Policy CAT2:Land on Skinners Lane, Catsfield

Hurst Green

Policy HUR1:Land off Foundry Close, Hurst Green

Policy HUR2:Caravan Tech premises, High Street, Hurst Green


Policy IDE1:Land south of Elmsmead, Iden


Policy NOR1:Land south of Northiam Church of England Primary School


Policy PEA1:Land south of Main Street, Peasmarsh

Rye Harbour

Policy RHA1:Land at the Stonework Cottages, Rye Harbour

Policy RHA2:Harbour Road Employment Area


Policy WES1:Land at Westfield Down, Westfield

Policy WES2:Land at the former Moorhurst Care Home, Westfield

Policy WES3:Land off Goulds Drive, Westfield

Policy WES4:Land connecting Moor Lane and the A28

Gypsies and Travellers

Policy GYP1:Land adjacent to High Views, Loose Farm Lane, Battle

Guestling Green

Policy GUE1:Land at former highway depot, Guestling Green

Marley Lane

Policy MAR1:Land at Felons Field, Marley Lane

Rother Valley Railway

Policy RVR1:Rother Valley Railway

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