Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

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Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 111: Do you have any comments on this scope or content of the new Local Plan that are not covered by other questions?

Representation ID: 23482

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

It is recommended that references to specific infrastructure measures being provided through development contributions under site Policies are removed.

How infrastructure is to be funded should be left to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy Reg. 123 list. Funding and specific requirements are subject to change therefore it is more appropriate for this issue to be dealt within those documents. There are also likely to be major changes to the development contributions regime indicated in the recent CIL Review Team report. The DaSA should therefore be silent on these matters as it cannot be comprehensive and current.

Full text:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Rother District Council Development and Site Allocations Local Plan. The following are officer comments from East Sussex County Council (ESCC). The response has been divided into sections -a separate section for each specialist area (see table of contents below). Some of the responses provide specific answers to the consultation questions, whilst some of the other responses have only provided advice and comments which do not directly relate to any particular question.


It is recommended that references to specific infrastructure measures being provided through development contributions under site Policies are removed. Such as in Policy BEX2: Land at Preston Hall Farm, Sidley. How infrastructure is to be funded should be left to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Reg. 123 list. Funding and specific requirements are subject to change therefore it is more appropriate for this issue to be dealt within those documents. There are also likely to be major changes to the development contributions regime indicated in the recent CIL Review Team report 'A new approach to development contributions'. The DaSA we would propose should therefore be silent on these matters as it cannot be comprehensive and current.

It is suggested that the Core Strategy section text should highlight that it contains the overarching policies on infrastructure particularly Policy IM2 Implementation and Infrastructure. It is also suggested that it should state that infrastructure requirements within the DaSA will not be exhaustive but that current information on infrastructure requirements will be contained within the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in requirements and funding.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 6: Do you agree with the policy approach to the retention of sites of social or economic value and the proposed policy wording?

Representation ID: 23483

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development


It is suggested that reference is made to the importance of transport and accessibility alongside the retention of sites of social and economic value. A linkage could be made to the comprehensive Transport & Accessibility policies in the Core Strategy, i.e. TR1, TR2 & TR3.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development


It is suggested that reference is made to the importance of transport and accessibility alongside the retention of sites of social and economic value. A linkage could be made to the comprehensive Transport & Accessibility policies in the Core Strategy, i.e. TR1, TR2 & TR3.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 12: Do you agree with the proposed policy approach to external residential areas and the proposed policy wording? If not, what changes would you wish to see?

Representation ID: 23484

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development


In DHG3 (ii), you may wish to consider the inclusion of cycle parking.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development


In DHG3 (ii), you may wish to consider the inclusion of cycle parking.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 15: Do you agree with the policy approaches to boundary treatments and drives and accesses and to the wording of the proposed cies? If not, what changes would you wish to see?

Representation ID: 23485

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development


You may wish to include as part of DHG8 (i) - 'and maintain/enhance accessibility', after highway safety.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development


You may wish to include as part of DHG8 (i) - 'and maintain/enhance accessibility', after highway safety.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 16a: Do you agree with the policy approach to holiday sites and the proposed policy wording?

Representation ID: 23486

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development


Agree with Policy DEC2, but it is suggested that linkages are made to transport and accessibility to support sustainable tourism.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development


Agree with Policy DEC2, but it is suggested that linkages are made to transport and accessibility to support sustainable tourism.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 17: Do you agree with the policy approach to existing employment sites and the proposed policy wording?

Representation ID: 23487

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development

Agree with policy DEC3, but it is suggested that element iii), includes reference to 'enhancing' access along with facilitating this.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development

Agree with policy DEC3, but it is suggested that element iii), includes reference to 'enhancing' access along with facilitating this.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 24: Do you agree with the policy approach to comprehensive development and the proposed policy wording?

Representation ID: 23488

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development


-Comprehensive development

Agree with policy OSS2, in reference to access to facilities and services

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development


-Comprehensive development

Agree with policy OSS2, in reference to access to facilities and services


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 26: Do you agree with the requirements of Policy BEX1? If not, how would you wish to see it amended?

Representation ID: 23489

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development

BEXHILL Page 128

-Policy BEX1: Land at Levetts Wood and Oaktree Farm, Sidley

Agree with policy BEX1 which is in alignment with the proposals for the North Bexhill Access Road (NBAR) and the proposed cycling network for Bexhill, which has been developed to provide access from the preferred sites for housing and employment development and provide access to key services in Bexhill.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development

BEXHILL Page 128

-Policy BEX1: Land at Levetts Wood and Oaktree Farm, Sidley

Agree with policy BEX1 which is in alignment with the proposals for the North Bexhill Access Road (NBAR) and the proposed cycling network for Bexhill, which has been developed to provide access from the preferred sites for housing and employment development and provide access to key services in Bexhill.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 28: Do you agree with the requirements of Policy BEX2? If not, how would you wish to see it amended?

Representation ID: 23490

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development
BEXHILL Page 128
-Policy BEX2: Land at Preston Hall Farm, Sidley

Agree with policy BEX2; in relation to this site, reference could be made to the proposed cycling network for Bexhill which will provide links to key services in Bexhill.

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Transport Strategy & Economic Development
BEXHILL Page 128
-Policy BEX2: Land at Preston Hall Farm, Sidley

Agree with policy BEX2; in relation to this site, reference could be made to the proposed cycling network for Bexhill which will provide links to key services in Bexhill.


Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options

QUESTION 29: Do you agree with the requirements of Policy BEX3? If not, how would you wish to see it amended?

Representation ID: 23491

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development
BEXHILL Page 128

-Policy BEX3: Land at North Bexhill

Agree with policy BEX3, and the need for an SPD, to manage development alongside associated infrastructure (i.e. transport) coming forward. This policy is in alignment with the development of the Bexhill Cycle Network (v, x), and with the development of NBAR (i,xi) along with the need to improve safety (xii) (xiii).

Full text:

Transport Strategy & Economic Development
BEXHILL Page 128

-Policy BEX3: Land at North Bexhill

Agree with policy BEX3, and the need for an SPD, to manage development alongside associated infrastructure (i.e. transport) coming forward. This policy is in alignment with the development of the Bexhill Cycle Network (v, x), and with the development of NBAR (i,xi) along with the need to improve safety (xii) (xiii).

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