Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Ended on the 26 September 2014

Appendix 2

Regulation Draft 123 List

Regulation 123 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (as amended) requires charging authorities to set out a list of those projects or types of infrastructure that it intends to fund either wholly or partially through the CIL levy. This is to ensure that individual developments are not charged for the same infrastructure items through both planning obligations and the levy.

A CIL charging authority is expected to prepare a draft Regulation 123 list (Reg.123 list) for the examination of the CIL Charging Schedule.

The following types of infrastructure will be funded through CIL receipts by the charging authority. The order in the table below does not imply any order of preference for spend.

Infrastructure Type or Project eligible to be
funded wholly or partially by CIL



Improvements to road network capacity including the following schemes identified in the IDP:

Improvements to A2036 Corridor Penland Rd n. bound/ w. bound

Junction improvements at A269/Holliers Hill//A2036 Wrestwood Road / London Road

Junction improvements at A269/ Watermill Lane

A259 Little Common roundabout Junction improvements including Peartree Lane approach and A259 E. bound

Town centre traffic management improvements B2098 Terminus Road / Buckhurst Place / Sackville Road

Junction improvements along A259 corridor including A259 / B2095 approach and A259/ Sutherland Avenue

New road from development access junction north to connect with Watermill Lane and A269 Ninfield Road known as the North Bexhill Access Road


Upgrade the Marshlink rail line. Extend HS1 to Bexhill and Hastings and shorten journey times to London.

Access improvements to stations which may include additional car parking, cycle and pedestrian access and facilities based on findings of ESCC Station Audit and plans of train operating companies.

Bus, Cycling and Walking Infrastructure:

Bus stop accessibility
Bus shelters
Passenger information and electronic ticketing
Speed management measures
Passenger and public security and safety
Bus reliability measures
Passenger access and information improvements to railway stations
Cycle network improvements
Public realm improvements
Safety infrastructure outside schools
Rights of way improvements

Improvements to walking and cycling corridors to ensure connectivity and accessibility of new development into existing networks, communities, town and secondary centres, employment & social infrastructure

More bus / transport services serving groups with access difficulties where commercial services are not appropriate or available.

Management of cross town traffic congestion in Battle. Improved traffic management. Implement measures to increase use of sustainable transport.

Introduce measures to tackle heavy congestion in Rye town centre during the summer. Increase sustainable transport provision in the town. Promote initiatives to improve strategic connectivity between Rye and the wider region

Public car parks facilities

All other site specific transport improvements necessary to enable development in transport terms having regard to relevant policies and standards.


The following education schemes:

Early Years

236 places (15 hour slots) for children eligible for funding

40 places (15 hour slots) for children eligible for funding

24 places (15 hour slots) for children eligible for funding

Hurst Green
16 places (15 hour slots) for children eligible for funding

16 places (15 hour slots) for children eligible for funding


Half a form of entry (105 places) through expansion of Rye Community Primary School


One form of entry (150 11-16 places) through expansion of an existing school

Further Education

Sussex Coast College, Hastings
An additional 130 workplaces in total of which 30% (39 workplaces) attributed to Rother District IDP

Plumpton College
Additional 100 workplaces in total of which 10% (10 workplaces) attributed to Rother District IDP

Improvements or provision of new education facilities which are directly related to a development.

Leisure, sport, open space and green infrastructure

New and improve leisure facilities and specifically Bexhill Leisure Centre

Children’s and young people’s play areas.

Improvements to playing pitches.

Indoor and outdoor sports and leisure provision and associated facilities.

Improvements to open space in accordance with adopted standards.

Provision and enhancement of the green infrastructure network particularly through projects in the identified Biodiversity Opportunity Areas highlighted within the Green Infrastructure Study for Rother (2012).

Combe Valley Countryside Park.

Provision of new sport, open space, green infrastructure and recreation facilities which are directly related to a specific development site and are required to ensure local plan policy compliance.

Community facilities

Libraries – improved provision in Bexhill, Battle and mobile services
Built Community Space (village halls)
Public conveniences

Facilities on allocated sites at NE Bexhill and Filmwell and future sites where such space is part of a mixed use allocation.


Provision of facilities to address existing or future needs

Improvements which are directly related to a development.

Emergency Services

Provision of facilities to address future needs.

Flood Mitigation

Maintaining and improve flood and coastal defences

All other site specific SUDS and on-site flood mitigation improvements as identified in a site specific assessment.

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