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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 1, Bexhill

Representation ID: 27672

Received: 25/07/2024

Respondent: Home Office

Agent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

See attachments "2024-07-25 Response to Rother Local Plan Consultation covering letter Final_Public" and "2024 07 25 Full Consultation Form completed_Public" regarding comments on BEX0007: Land at Northeye.

Full text:

See attached documents which comprise the full submission.

In summary, the Home Office:
• acknowledges the proposed removal of the residential allocation (Policy BEX10 of the adopted Local Plan) which relates to the site, given the current ownership of the site by the Home Office, but wishes to ensure that its removal does not hinder the future effective use of the site supporting a brownfield first approach;
• requests that the development boundary for Bexhill incorporates the former HMP Northeye site and consideration is given to the area of Built Form shown within the Settlement Study in this part of Bexhill as the appropriate development boundary for this part of Bexhill;
• requests that environmental targets in the draft plan are aligned with national planning policy and have a robust evidence base to justify any increased requirement, especially where additional policy requirements could make development unviable and potentially delay the ability of landowners to bring appropriate sites forward for development.

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