Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

Ended on the 23 July 2024
Click the links below to download the documents in PDF format. Most modern browsers support PDFs without additional software but if you need a viewer try Acrobat Reader, which is free.

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)

The HELAA will assess the development potential of sites for housing and economic land (including renewable energy schemes) across the district and consider whether they are suitable, available and achievable for development.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

Rother District Council worked jointly with Hastings Borough Council to prepare joint SA/SEA Scoping Report for the respective Local Plans. This document presents the SA framework which will be used to assess the development of policy options as the Local Plan progresses.

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)

The HRA is a document that assesses whether the Local Plan may result in likely significant effects on the integrity of designated Habitats Sites.

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