Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Q1. Do you agree that Rother District Council should introduce a CIL?

Representation ID: 21653

Received: 25/09/2014

Respondent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Agent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Accept the principle of a CIL but cannot agree to the claimed shortfall of £133million and likewise other aspects which will be commented in answer to questions hereon.

Full text:

Accept the principle of a CIL but cannot agree to the claimed shortfall of £133million and likewise other aspects which will be commented in answer to questions hereon.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Q2. Do you agree that there is clear infrastructure funding gap?

Representation ID: 21654

Received: 25/09/2014

Respondent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Agent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

No. The funding gap of £133 million seems based on a wish list without thought to what might be realisable or realistic. Think: Christmas list by a child. No local authority, no organisation ever has enough funds for what in an ideal world they may wish to spend and provide. You cannot, none of us can have all that we want or desire. An estimated shortfall of £133 million without doubt serves to suggest that aspirations are out of reach and unrealistic.

Full text:

No. The funding gap of £133 million seems based on a wish list without thought to what might be realisable or realistic. Think: Christmas list by a child. No local authority, no organisation ever has enough funds for what in an ideal world they may wish to spend and provide. You cannot, none of us can have all that we want or desire. An estimated shortfall of £133 million without doubt serves to suggest that aspirations are out of reach and unrealistic.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Q3. Do you agree with the proposed residential CIL charging zones?

Representation ID: 21655

Received: 25/09/2014

Respondent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Agent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

One size does not fit all. To simply daw a line between say, east and west or north and south does not reflect a fair assessment of vale. There are many areas to the east of Rother with high value properties, there are many not so. The same may be said in the western part of Rother. Any charging might be based perhaps on local rateable values, these may well vary in one street. Simple will not work and there is no good in pretending or suggesting it will.

Full text:

One size does not fit all. To simply daw a line between say, east and west or north and south does not reflect a fair assessment of vale. There are many areas to the east of Rother with high value properties, there are many not so. The same may be said in the western part of Rother. Any charging might be based perhaps on local rateable values, these may well vary in one street. Simple will not work and there is no good in pretending or suggesting it will.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Q4. Do you agree with the proposed CIL charge rates for residential uses?

Representation ID: 21656

Received: 25/09/2014

Respondent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Agent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

I do not agree with the charging schedule based as it presumably is on a claimed shortfall of £133 million in turn reflecting an unrealistic aspiration for the district. The rates are unaffordable for housebuilders save perhaps for a few high volume national developers. The small developer, often building the better quality small or larger dwellings, will be moreorless kicked into touch.

Full text:

I do not agree with the charging schedule based as it presumably is on a claimed shortfall of £133 million in turn reflecting an unrealistic aspiration for the district. The rates are unaffordable for housebuilders save perhaps for a few high volume national developers. The small developer, often building the better quality small or larger dwellings, will be moreorless kicked into touch.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Q9. Do you have any further comments on the PDCS?

Representation ID: 21685

Received: 25/09/2014

Respondent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

CIL evidently poorly thought out. Unrealistic wish list without regard for what may be practical and equitable. CIL in this form will exclude and prohibit many competent housebuilders from housebuilding. Those able to build under these restraints will be limited to national housebuilders and housing associations.CIL in this form, with figures or rates near those proposed will more or less bring housebuilding to a standstill. Whilst profits may outwardly appear good they are not as good as presumed and they are achieved at considerable risk. Progress in housebuilding will cease. This proposes taking assumed profit before it has been earned.

Full text:

CIL evidently poorly thought out. Unrealistic wish list without regard for what may be practical and equitable. CIL in this form will exclude and prohibit many competent housebuilders from housebuilding. Those able to build under these restraints will be largely limited to a few national housebuilders and housing associations. Is that what is wanted? This should most certainly not be the case. CIL in this form, with figures or rates near those proposed will more or less bring housebuilding to a standstill. Where do legislators think the costs will come from? Profits? Whilst profits may outwardly appear good they are not as good as presumed and they are achieved at considerable risk. Ass the cost of CIL to house prices and thus mortgages? Will land prices fall? Unlikely for some long while and stalemate will ensue. Progress in housebuilding, providing homes, will cease. Again, the authors and local authorities propose taking assumed profit before it has been earned, and if it is not realised what price to the local authority. Nil, the loss falls to the developer, the housebuilder.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Regulation 123 List

Q5. Do you agree with the proposed CIL rates for non-residential development?

Representation ID: 21686

Received: 25/09/2014

Respondent: MichaelDHall Building Design Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Do not agree. Forget private retail shops, the traditional perhaps long gone. There will be no chance of a return after this, room only for chain shops, no individual shops, may be anticipated unless they be of less than 100 sqm. If there is potential for profit it would seem that the local authority want a greater part of it (on top of LA fees, tax on profits, VAT, etc). The trouble is they want it before it has occurred. CIL is in danger of giving birth to cheaper construction as cuts are made to make development viable.

Full text:

Do not agree. Forget private retail shops, the traditional perhaps long gone now mythical notion of a nation of shopkeepers idyll. There will be no chance of a return after this, room only for chain shops, no individual shops, may be anticipated unless they be of less than 100 sqm presumably including storage, wcs, restrooms and staff bicycle storage facility. If there is potential for profit it would seem that the local authority want a greater part of it (on top of LA fees, tax on profits, VAT, etc). The trouble is they want it before it has occurred. It has to be earnt and it not always is. There may not be any and by taking it before the business even opens its doors they lessen the prospect of profit arising. CIL is in danger of giving birth to cheaper construction as cuts are made to make development viable.

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