Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
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Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
2. Spatial Portrait
Representation ID: 19818
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
There is a danger that the statement linking available development with the link road encourages a lack of vision in seeing beyond the link road and distancing need appraisal from it. Surely there is room for substantial development even if the link road does not go ahead?
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
2. Spatial Portrait
Representation ID: 19819
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
What impact has the population profile on the housing availability and on housing demand?
The would seem to be Insufficient detail on both the impact and the challenge of an ageing population.
Will the enabling version of service delivery reduce rate payer contribution through lowering costs?
There seems to be no attempt in the document as a whole to provide evidence for regeneration, nor any attempt to produce statistics linking inward investment with job creation
If more home-working how does this impact on with housing demands?
Centralization of services may reduce the ability of the voter to influence matters -consultation becomes less effective as the issues are too global for most people to understand. The danger then is that the local democracy becomes a quango run by officers who are not accountable via the ballot box..
Tension between water supply and development needs underlining
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
3. Vision for the Future
Representation ID: 19820
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
How compatible is the vision with:
- Development of road infrastructures
- Building of houses and business units
Should it be recognised that even by 2030 it is very unlikely that local employment demand will be met by local business.
3.2 Needs to figure in everything.
3.6 There will be a finite solution
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Comments on any other Core Strategy matter
Representation ID: 19821
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
Rother councillors need to look after the people in Rother and leave worrying about 'elsewhere' to those elected to do so. Reliance upon drivers linked to other agencies/quangos diminishes the importance of this document.
The whole purpose of this document is about local consultation yet throughout comments are pre-empted by the 'needs' of other plans.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 2 - Aim and Objectives of Spatial Development Strategy
Representation ID: 19822
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
Why in a local plan are the needs of SE placed above those of Rother?
Why is Rother promoting development in Hastings.
The order of the objectives in Box 2 is bewildering.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
5. Overall spatial Development Strategy
Representation ID: 19823
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
Surely it is fallacious to say that housing needs in RDC cannot be met without major road schemes.
5.10 Where is the evidence that this proposition works?
5.11 Is the provision of business premises the only driver for the economy -what other help can be given to local businesses? e.g. rate reductions!
5.18/19 Again what about local businesses that are already here? What help will they receive?
5.22 Really? Is this really the case?
The constraint of the SSSI has not stopped Rother supporting the Link Road and development on Greenfield sites next to Acton's Farm!
5.25 The greatest risk to lack of progress is the paralysis brought about by pinning too many plans on the back of the Link Road. Is there not a fall-back position?
5.31 Agreed.
5.32. Too strong.
Benefits of living in the countryside need to be set against the low level of service enjoyed in these areas.
5.65- needs to be underlined throughout.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 3 - Preferred Strategy for Overall Spatial Development
Representation ID: 19824
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
C Agreed
D Agreed
E Strongly opposed - fringe and ribbon development destroys the local countryside
Crowhurst on the edge of Wilting Development will suffer from that development.
Build a station at Wilting and that in Crowhurst will close. The closer urban development impinges on village life the fewer the services that continue to exist within the village.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
5. Overall spatial Development Strategy
Representation ID: 19825
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
5.66 - 1300 village dwelling 10,000 sq.m of business - how does this impact upon 'villages'? - a shopping mall in Sedlescombe?
5.84 - What is the evidence base (apart from the house not being in any other plan) for this statistic? Is there any reliability in this statement?
5.87 Are we to take from this that the statements about land for housing is not based on anything other than a desk top exercise?
5.93 This would follow on from housing services.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 4 - Preferred Strategy for timing of Bexhill/Hastings Link Road
Representation ID: 19826
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
Agree with the supposition that development should follow service provision.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 5 - Preferred Strategy for Development Boundaries
Representation ID: 19827
Received: 04/02/2009
Respondent: Crowhurst Society
In planning development the maintenance of strategic gaps is vital if the aim of protecting the countryside is to be realised- this included planning against ribbon or fringe development.
Little mention of 'local' need!
'C' is vital as is the involvement of the Parish Councils in such deliberations as only they have the closeness to the electorate to be able to truly identify need!