
Proposed Submission Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan

Representation ID: 24226

Received: 07/12/2018

Respondent: Cantelupe Community Association

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

RDC's 2006/7 Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Study by PMP Consultancy, (included in the proposed submission documentation) highlights "Sites which scored most highly and are judged to have a high value to the District include ...Knole Road Bowling Greens, Bexhill (Site ID 223)..."

The SA conclusion (Appendix 4: Assessment of Site Policy Options) refers to the Playing Pitch Strategy only.

Re Environment (6.44) Town Centre green spaces provide an important service in filtering pollutants.

Re communities, sites of social and economic value should be retained, "and their real loss resisted unless it is evident that they cannot be maintained or that their continued use would perpetuate real harm to local amenities... ". (3.3)

Since May 2013, the entire site has been listed as an Asset of Community Value.

The club itself is a Community Amateur Sports Club.

Bexhill Local Action Plan 2010 states that "89% want better protection and community use of green open spaces (44% strongly*). Suggested action: Clear policy to protect green open spaces. Increase amount of communal spaces available for exercise and enjoyment." *of over 1300 completed questionnaires with over 5000 written comments submitted. Plan was incorporated into Rother Local Plan Core Strategy adopted 2014 (8.13 p.46)

Full text:

RDC's 2006/7 Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Study by PMP Consultancy, (included in the proposed submission documentation) highlights "Sites which scored most highly and are judged to have a high value to the District include ...Knole Road Bowling Greens, Bexhill (Site ID 223)..."

The SA conclusion (Appendix 4: Assessment of Site Policy Options) refers to the Playing Pitch Strategy only.

Re Environment (6.44) Town Centre green spaces provide an important service in filtering pollutants.

Re communities, sites of social and economic value should be retained, "and their real loss resisted unless it is evident that they cannot be maintained or that their continued use would perpetuate real harm to local amenities... ". (3.3)

Since May 2013, the entire site has been listed as an Asset of Community Value.

The club itself is a Community Amateur Sports Club.

Bexhill Local Action Plan 2010 states that "89% want better protection and community use of green open spaces (44% strongly*). Suggested action: Clear policy to protect green open spaces. Increase amount of communal spaces available for exercise and enjoyment." *of over 1300 completed questionnaires with over 5000 written comments submitted. Plan was incorporated into Rother Local Plan Core Strategy adopted 2014 (8.13 p.46)