
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

Representation ID: 19738

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Tesco Stores Ltd.

Agent: Development Planning Partnership

Representation Summary:

Item e) (ii) is based on indicative figures set out in the 'Rother District Wide Shopping Assessment (June 2008)' and is not intended to be prescriptive. This figure excludes existing floorspace commitments such as the Budgens/Jempson store extension.
This preferred strategy for the town centre is further supported given the sustainability benefits available in retaining retail expenditure within Rye. The distances involved in Rye residents travelling to alternative main food shopping locations is not sustainable and the development of new convenience floorspace together with complementary comparison shopping will facilitate linked trips. The provision of local services will also contribute to encouraging non-car modes of transport. Furthermore, the sustainability benefits in developing local needs are inherent in retaining expenditure within Rye.