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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 2, Hastings Fringes

Representation ID: 28204

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land East of Waites Lane remains ‘suitable’, ‘available’, and ‘achievable’ and will deliver much needed housing for Fairlight Cove early within the emerging Local Plan period 2020-2040 and therefore represents a ‘developable’ and ‘deliverable’ allocated Site. Rother will be highly dependent on such suitable sites.

Support intention behind the proposed policy LWL1 that encourages density uplifts to allow villages and their communities to ‘Live Well Locally’ and ensure villages create the critical mass that can support local services/facilities, as required by national policy.

Fairlight Cove’s boundary is notably constrained by physical and policy restrictions, including the coastline and the High Weald National Landscape, thereby restricting the potential to meet local housing need. There is also the issue of coastal erosion and the effects are likely to result in displacement and decline or loss of land on the southern edge of Fairlight Cove.

Please see full comments in attached submission document.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.

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