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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 26217

Received: 24/07/2024

Respondent: New Road Artists Association

Number of people: 3

Representation Summary:

We very much hope that our views will be taken into account as part of this consultation. We agree with the broad objectives and many of the policies in the draft Local Plan but feel that they will only be achieved by making sure that the development of local sites such as RYE0004, where many artists and designers work and depend on for their livelihoods, reflects the policies in the Plan and the needs of the local community. We would like to see the site assessment column of the Identified Sites table of the HELAA include the fact that Rye Creative Centre has existing buildings of a historic nature, that these are currently occupied by well-established employment activities and provide accessible local community facilities. The development potential of the RCC site is thus for a mixed use development that retains existing buildings and includes studios for the creative industries and community facilities as well as residential dwellings. Any development brief for the site should also reflect this.

Full text:

Response from secretary on behalf of Co-Chairs

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