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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 25793

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: John Jempson and Son Ltd and Jempsons Commercial Ltd

Agent: MDA Associates

Representation Summary:

Site Rye 0040 – Slade Yard/Hoop Yard

The allocation of the site for a “residential led /mixed use” scheme is welcome and the acknowledgement that this site alone could accommodate “around 30 dwellings”. In fact, we can demonstrate that the site could deliver 40 of the smaller, more affordable units. This would help meet the demand in Rye for smaller, more affordable units for local people in accordance with Policy H2 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan. However, for the foreseeable future the site will continue in employment use. Given the site’s sustainable location, it is also suitable for other commercial uses to meet demand in Rye, such as for small business units (Class E) or a hotel as well as care/retirement homes. These alternatives should therefore be identified as possible development scenarios for this site as well as residential.

Full text:

Site Rye 0040 – Slade Yard/Hoop Yard

The allocation of the site for a “residential led /mixed use” scheme is welcome and the acknowledgement that this site alone could accommodate “around 30 dwellings”. In fact, we can demonstrate that the site could deliver 40 of the smaller, more affordable units. This would help meet the demand in Rye for smaller, more affordable units for local people in accordance with Policy H2 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan. However, for the foreseeable future the site will continue in employment use. Given the site’s sustainable location, it is also suitable for other commercial uses to meet demand in Rye, such as for small business units (Class E) or a hotel as well as care/retirement homes. These alternatives should therefore be identified as possible development scenarios for this site as well as residential.

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