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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 25788

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Long Rake Spar Co Ltd

Agent: MDA Associates

Representation Summary:

1. ICK 0026 – Churchfields Industrial Estate
The ownership of this site has changed since the planning permission (RR/20/9/2850/P) for industrial use was obtained and then implemented. It now belongs to Long Rake Spar, the adjoining landowner, whose intention is to build out the planning permission and develop the units for new business tenants.

Full text:

1. ICK 0026 – Churchfields Industrial Estate
The ownership of this site has changed since the planning permission (RR/20/9/2850/P) for industrial use was obtained and then implemented. It now belongs to Long Rake Spar, the adjoining landowner, whose intention is to build out the planning permission and develop the units for new business tenants.

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