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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 25551

Received: 17/07/2024

Respondent: The Viscount Devonport Discretionary Trust

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Part 2, Chapter 4, Pages 60 (Map 4.9) and 66 (Site ID: PEA0034).

Representations seek to object to the Council's assessment within the HELAA and to promote Site ID: PEA0034 to be allocated.

A representation statement has been submitted as part of this consultation and is appended to this consultation form.

Please see attached:

- Representation on HELAA site PEA0034
- Site Plan - PEA0034

Full text:

Please see attached:

- Representation on HELAA site PEA0034
- Site Plan - PEA0034



Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 25616

Received: 17/07/2024

Respondent: The Viscount Devonport Discretionary Trust

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Representation in support of HELAA site PEA0024 based on sustainability, limited landscape impact that can be mitigated.

The representation states that should be considered available, achievable and deliverable for up to 15 affordable housing dwellings. The Site is well-related to the village and is within walking distance of bus stops and other village amenities. The Site is well-contained by established housing and natural boundary features on all sides, with the southern and eastern parts of any proposed scheme being retained as public open space and landscape buffers. Overall, for the reasons stated The Site should be taken forward as a draft site allocation for up to 15 affordable housing dwellings at the next draft Local Plan stage.

Full text:

Representation in support of site PEA0024 in the HELAA. Supporting document attached.


Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 26424

Received: 17/07/2024

Respondent: The Viscount Devonport Discretionary Trust

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Comments in support of HELAA site PEA0035

A representation statement has been submitted as part of this consultation and is appended to this consultation form.

Please see attached:

- Representation on HELAA site PEA0035

Full text:

Comments in support of HELAA site PEA0035

A representation statement has been submitted as part of this consultation and is appended to this consultation form.

Please see attached:

- Representation on HELAA site PEA0035


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