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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 5, Northern

Representation ID: 26170

Received: 21/07/2024

Respondent: Swann Fairrie Associates

Representation Summary:

This large site is a contiguous series of fields that forms a section of open countryside to the north of the A268, east of Flimwell and the A21, bound by ancient woodland to the north. Development here would represent a significant extension to ribbon development alongside the A268, impacting the rural character and setting of the settlement and encroaching into the countryside of the National Landscape. Furthermore, the site is some distance from services in Flimwell, with no connecting footway.

Full text:

This large site is a contiguous series of fields that forms a section of open countryside to the north of the A268, east of Flimwell and the A21, bound by ancient woodland to the north. Development here would represent a significant extension to ribbon development alongside the A268, impacting the rural character and setting of the settlement and encroaching into the countryside of the National Landscape. Furthermore, the site is some distance from services in Flimwell, with no connecting footway.


Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 5, Northern

Representation ID: 26428

Received: 21/07/2024

Respondent: Swann Fairrie Associates

Representation Summary:

TIC 0027 - Land North of Fruitfields:
The site is an exposed field within open countryside forming part of (and is wholly within) a Medieval Assart fieldscape. This open green space is an important landscape buffer between the houses along B2087 and an ancient ghyll called Wardsdown Woods, with important flora and fauna as well as the spring that is the source of the River Bewl, an important waterway that forms the boundary between Kent and East Sussex. Building on this open landscape is out of keeping with the wider settlement pattern, impact the wildlife and scar the landscape and character of the National Landscape. It would also:
• Endanger a vital water source for the reservoir and Wardsdown Woods.
• Development here will allow an uncontrolled intrusion thereby causing damage to the ancient woodlands.
• Harm the rural setting.
• The site lacks access.
• See attachment. (attached)

Full text:

TIC 0027 - Land North of Fruitfields:
The site is an exposed field within open countryside forming part of (and is wholly within) a Medieval Assart fieldscape. This open green space is an important landscape buffer between the houses along B2087 and an ancient ghyll called Wardsdown Woods, with important flora and fauna as well as the spring that is the source of the River Bewl, an important waterway that forms the boundary between Kent and East Sussex. Building on this open landscape is out of keeping with the wider settlement pattern, impact the wildlife and scar the landscape and character of the National Landscape. It would also:
• Endanger a vital water source for the reservoir and Wardsdown Woods.
• Development here will allow an uncontrolled intrusion thereby causing damage to the ancient woodlands.
• Harm the rural setting.
• The site lacks access.
• See attachment. (attached)


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