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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 2, Hastings Fringes

Representation ID: 28242

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Rubix Estates

Representation Summary:

See attached documents regarding HELAA sites HAF0013 (Land rear of 70 Westfield Lane, Westfield) and HAF0032 (Land at 56 Westfield Lane, Westfield) which address:
1) The site in the context of the High Weald National Landscape;
2) The availability of the site;
3) A lack of heritage designations;
4) Proximity to services and public transport; and
5) Addressing the Vision for the Hastings Fringes sub-area.

Full text:

See the attached documents regarding HELAA sites HAF0013 (Land rear of 70 Westfield Lane, Westfield) and HAF0032 (Land at 56 Westfield Lane, Westfield) which comprises:
1) The Written Representation; and
2) Appendix 1 - Location Plan

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