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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 25790

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: MDA Associates

Representation Summary:

2. ICK 0040 – Land East of Churchfields, Harbour Road.
This site remains in the ownership of the adjoining landowner, Long Rake Spar. We disagree that the site should be rejected for development at this stage. It is feasible that with a sensitive design/landscape led approach, a suitable scheme can be achieved for small residential and/or commercial units. To leave the site vacant and unused would be a waste.

Full text:

2. ICK 0040 – Land East of Churchfields, Harbour Road.
This site remains in the ownership of the adjoining landowner, Long Rake Spar. We disagree that the site should be rejected for development at this stage. It is feasible that with a sensitive design/landscape led approach, a suitable scheme can be achieved for small residential and/or commercial units. To leave the site vacant and unused would be a waste.


Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 25792

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: MDA Associates

Representation Summary:

3. Rye 0002 – Winchelsea Road East
The central section of this allocation is now in one ownership and therefore the ability to bring forward development in the Local Plan timeframe is feasible. The flexibility of uses is helpful, as the site lends itself to a mixed-use scheme. Therefore, the residential unit numbers of ‘at least 10’ and ‘estimate 500 sqm of employment use’ should be considered as a minimum at this stage given the site’s sustainable location.

Full text:

3. Rye 0002 – Winchelsea Road East
The central section of this allocation is now in one ownership and therefore the ability to bring forward development in the Local Plan timeframe is feasible. The flexibility of uses is helpful, as the site lends itself to a mixed-use scheme. Therefore, the residential unit numbers of ‘at least 10’ and ‘estimate 500 sqm of employment use’ should be considered as a minimum at this stage given the site’s sustainable location.

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