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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 1 - Report

Representation ID: 28138

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

HELAA Part 1 report, Figure 3: Approach to assessing constraints, p28-30; Archaeological Notification Areas (ANAs) are regarded as non-designated heritage assets it would be appropriate to also include provision for consultation with the Council’s Archaeological Advisor here.

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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 1, Bexhill

Representation ID: 28139

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

HELAA Part 2, Chapters 1-5; RDC should double check that presence/absence of ANA’s has not changed since these allocation sites were reviewed, as ANA boundaries are reviewed periodically. The East Sussex Historic Environment Record (HER) should be able to double check if any ANA boundaries have been revised, added or deleted in a given time period to assist with checking only the relevant sites. For example, two ANAs have been added in the Rother District in the two years preceding this representation. It is understood, however, that it is not practical to keep the HELAA continually updated so it should be made clear that the data is accurate at the date it was produced but ANA boundaries are subject to change.

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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

Representation ID: 28172

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Sustainability Appraisal; Public Health welcomes the integration of a set of Health Impact Assessment criteria and the emphasis this has given to the consideration of health and wellbeing within the Plan. The HIA criteria provides a systematic process to work through the health and wellbeing considerations and impacts of the local plan on the population. Public Health generally supports the conclusions of the appraisal which reflects the strong collaboration with us and the strength of policies to support the overarching health and wellbeing objective for the Local Plan.

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.


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