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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 4, Rye

Representation ID: 24844

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: Peasmarsh Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Peasmarsh Parish Council has worked with RDC Planning to complete the Peasmarsh Neighbourhood Development Plan, so is already aware of the allocated sites. However, the Parish Council would like to reiterate their request for RDC to work with the utility companies, in particular, Southern Water - to make sure that the infrastructure is in place to sustain the increase in house building in an already overburdened drainage system. In addition, there is a desperate need for affordable housing (including rural exception sites) and RDC need to work with developers to make sure that this element is financially viable and can be delivered.

Full text:

Peasmarsh Parish Council has worked with RDC Planning to complete the Peasmarsh Neighbourhood Development Plan, so is already aware of the allocated sites. However, the Parish Council would like to reiterate their request for RDC to work with the utility companies, in particular, Southern Water - to make sure that the infrastructure is in place to sustain the increase in house building in an already overburdened drainage system. In addition, there is a desperate need for affordable housing (including rural exception sites) and RDC need to work with developers to make sure that this element is financially viable and can be delivered.

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