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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents
HELAA Part 1 - Report
Representation ID: 27337
Received: 22/07/2024
Respondent: Ewhurst Parish Council
EPC will consider any applications for development on the potential development sites
(residential and business) identified in the HELAA within the Parish of Ewhurst on their merits
at the time of submission. However, it is strongly of the opinion that, in respect of proposed
residential development:
1 Adequate and accessible infrastructure should exist – or be put in place before, or shortly
after, developments are completed.
2 Size, type, location, affordability and tenure mix should reflect local (at parish level) need.
3 (Where applicable) Size, type, location and design should cause no harm to the High Weald
National Landscape.
Ewhurst Parish Council (EPC) is of the view that there is little of concern within the Draft Rother
District Local Plan, therefore, these comments focus on where EPC considers resources and
attention should be prioritised.
EPC will consider any applications for development on the potential development sites
(residential and business) identified in the HELAA within the Parish of Ewhurst on their merits
at the time of submission. However, it is strongly of the opinion that, in respect of proposed
residential development:
1 Adequate and accessible infrastructure should exist – or be put in place before, or shortly
after, developments are completed.
2 Size, type, location, affordability and tenure mix should reflect local (at parish level) need.
3 (Where applicable) Size, type, location and design should cause no harm to the High Weald
National Landscape.
Ewhurst Parish suffers from an inadequate and unreliable supply of electricity. Outages also
impact the supply of (pumped) mains water. Schools in the catchment area are at capacity and
public transport options are limited.
EPC would support a requirement that those applying for consent for development for a certain
number (?6) units of accommodation should provide evidence of engagement with
infrastructure providers – especially health and medical services if dwellings targeted at older
people are proposed.
The nationwide chronic shortage of affordable or social accommodation is well-documented
and one that is felt acutely in rural areas – with younger parishioners being forced to relocate.
EPC considers that – along with ensuring adequate infrastructure is in place – as far as
possible, the Plan should be constructed in such a way so as to improve the likelihood of
cheaper (at least carbon neutral) accommodation being provided, albeit in the right place.
The increasing tendency for developers to assert that 30% affordable housing is unachievable
and, in fact, that even one unit of affordable accommodation would render a development
unviable should be challenged regularly by Rother District Council (RDC) by way of
commissioning independent viability assessments.
In order to ensure that the right type of accommodation is provided, in parishes with
development boundaries, RDC should revert to its previous practice or commissioning regular
local housing need surveys and encourage developers to reflect the findings within their
proposed schemes.