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Local Plan Supporting Evidence Base Documents

HELAA Part 2 - Chapter 5, Northern

Representation ID: 26181

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Etchingham Parish Council

Representation Summary:

In relation to the HELAA, the Parish Council questions the classification of ETC0018 as it believes this site is suitable for a small number of starter homes and note that it is included as such in the draft Neighbourhood Plan. Etchingham has limited opportunities to meet its housing needs and would wish to see this site allocated. The Parish Council accepts that the land to the rear of Ladyfield (ETC0018) has a difficult access which may make it difficult to bring forward, but note that in other respects it is suitable for development without being visually intrusive on the wider landscape. It would further observe that the possible site on Church Lane would need to be laid out in a way that lessened its impact on the existing cottages and offered some relief to their parking problems. A possible layout is in the draft Neighbourhood Plan. The site will be contentious.

Full text:

Please see attached the full response from Etchingham Parish Council regarding the draft Local Plan.


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