Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

59. What are your views on the vision for Hastings Fringes and surrounding settlements?

Representation ID: 28199

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

Support of approach that results in the identification of sub-areas based on robust analysis of settlements, their functions, physical constraints and a vision that promotes sustainable growth and development to meet the needs of Rother and the local communities within the district.

However, the emerging Draft Version fails to clearly identify the interrelationship of smaller settlements and village clusters.

Please see full response to Q59 in the attached submission.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

60. What are your views on the distribution and opportunities for growth in settlements within the sub-area in figures 17, 18 & 19?

Representation ID: 28200

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

We support the distribution and recognition of opportunities for growth at Fairlight Cove within the Hastings and Radial settlements spatial sub-area.

Figures 17, 20 and 36 of the draft Local Plan requires amendment to match the approach of the HELAA.

Please see the full text of the representation in the attached submission document.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

76. What are your views on the district-wide development potential for the Local Plan up to 2040 which is presented in 4, 35 and 36?

Representation ID: 28201

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

We support, in principle, Figure 35 and the identification of growth opportunities within Fairlight Parish, however, suggest that Fairlight could be reconsidered to be included within Parish areas for ‘Medium growth’ in light of the potential risk of proposed emerging Local Plan Draft Version policy significantly displacing residents and the ability to deliver the proposed Live Well Locally Policy LWL1: Compact Development.

To ensure consistency, ‘Figure 36: proposed growth in each parish’ should be updated to form a baseline of 35 homes to be accommodated in the ‘Level of Housing’ column for Fairlight Cove and a range also applied upwards of the baseline 35 homes to be delivered at Land East of Waites Lane should this be required to further support the vitality and growth of villages in the Fairlight Parish area.

Please see full representation text in attached submission document.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

27. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on compact development?

Representation ID: 28202

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

In light of the intention for Proposed Policy LWL1 to contribute to achieving well-designed, attractive, and healthy places that make efficient use of land and deliver appropriate densities that support a critical mass for multiple local services/facilities and the viability of public transport we propose the Council consider additional housing delivery beyond the 35 dwellings (16dph) at Land East of Waites Lane.

Please see full text of representation in attached submission document.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

191. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on the Fairlight Cove Coastal Change Management Area?

Representation ID: 28203

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

‘Proposed Policy ENV4: Fairlight Cove Coastal Change Management Area’ as new policy incorporating adopted DaSA Policy DEN6. Proposed Policy ENV4 further restricts the southern extents of Fairlight Cove, considering new residential development unacceptable within the proposed extents of a Fairlight Coastal Change Management Area; modelled to erode by 2105.

Proposed Policy ENV4 and accompanying text make clear that a future decline at Fairlight Cove is expected due to physical coastal erosion. Therefore, it remains even more crucial for the Local Plan to support the vitality of local communities at Fairlight Cove and ensure the village can sustainably grow and thrive. Therefore, we believe that it is right that an application for Land East of Waites Lane that is to be forthcoming as soon as reasonably practicable and to be determined swiftly in accordance with the adopted Development Plan and relevant material planning considerations.

Please see full text in attached document.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

61. What are your views on the potential sites identified in the draft HELAA that could accommodate more growth in Hastings Fringes and surrounding settlements?

Representation ID: 28205

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited

Agent: Stantec UK Ltd

Representation Summary:

We support, in principle, the identification of Land East of Waites Lanes (Site ID: FAI0001; Adopted Local Plan Ref: FAC2) within the draft HELAA and its potential to deliver 35 much needed homes for the local area. However, as set out above, and in accordance with the methodology set out at Paragraph 7.1 and 7.2 of the HELAA (April 2024) the site should be considered an ‘identified site’ that will deliver within the early part, the first five years, of the plan-period.

Full text:

Representation by Stantec on behalf of Welbeck Strategic Land III Limited in support of Land East of Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove - HELAA site ID FAI0001.

Submission also responds to questions 59, 60, 61, 76, 27 and 191 in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.

Please see attached submission for full comments.

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