Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

65. What are your views on the vision for Rye and the eastern network settlements?

Representation ID: 27693

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: MarshLink Action Group

Representation Summary:

MLAG (MarshLink Action Group) supports the emphasis on sustainable transport and connectivity for local journeys in the Rye area, as well as in the Plan more generally.

In particular we approve plans to promote the local bus network for the cluster of outlying villages in the Rye area, and would welcome efforts to integrate these with rail services, through better timetabling, through ticketing (or nil cost add-on ticketing, or interacceptance of tickets on rail and bus between Rye and Hastings), improved publicity and provision of information displays screens (especially at Rye station). We note that the existing PlusBus scheme does not deliver appreciable benefits in these respects in the Rye area, has low public awareness and needs to be refreshed.

We would wish to see the existing cycling and walking infrastructure developed (as the Plan appears to envisage) , and an integrated approach to publicise these to both local and tourist populations, for instance by new and clear cycling/walking signposting immediately outside each station. We wonder also if there is scope for ebike rental schemes at MarshLink stations, which lie in proximity to the natural cycleways of the Romney Marsh.

Given the connectivity of rail and bus services from Rye to Camber (Camber sands is now around 90 minutes from St. Pancras by public transport), we believe there is scope through better publicity to switch some of the existing long-distance car traffic in summer to rail.

Full text:

MLAG (MarshLink Action Group) supports the emphasis on sustainable transport and connectivity for local journeys in the Rye area, as well as in the Plan more generally.

In particular we approve plans to promote the local bus network for the cluster of outlying villages in the Rye area, and would welcome efforts to integrate these with rail services, through better timetabling, through ticketing (or nil cost add-on ticketing, or interacceptance of tickets on rail and bus between Rye and Hastings), improved publicity and provision of information displays screens (especially at Rye station). We note that the existing PlusBus scheme does not deliver appreciable benefits in these respects in the Rye area, has low public awareness and needs to be refreshed.

We would wish to see the existing cycling and walking infrastructure developed (as the Plan appears to envisage) , and an integrated approach to publicise these to both local and tourist populations, for instance by new and clear cycling/walking signposting immediately outside each station. We wonder also if there is scope for ebike rental schemes at MarshLink stations, which lie in proximity to the natural cycleways of the Romney Marsh.

Given the connectivity of rail and bus services from Rye to Camber (Camber sands is now around 90 minutes from St. Pancras by public transport), we believe there is scope through better publicity to switch some of the existing long-distance car traffic in summer to rail.

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