Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

70. What are your views on the potential sites identified in the draft HELAA that could accommodate more growth in Northern Rother?

Representation ID: 27300

Received: 23/07/2024

Respondent: Trustees of Steellands Farm

Agent: Mr Geoff Megarity

Representation Summary:

The Trustees of Steellands Farm have previously submitted a parcel of land between Land at Cherry Tree Field, Lower Platts, Ticehurst (ref: TIC0043) and Land at Steellands Farm, Ticehurst (ref: TIC0044) during the Council’s Call for Sites.

The sites have capacity to deliver 26-35 dwellings directly adjacent to the settlement boundary of Ticehurst on a well contained parcel of agricultural land with mature boundary planting.

Submitted with these representations are the following:
• Indicative Layout prepared by Fibonacci Architects drawing number 6104 P60

Full text:

Please see attached representation from Bell Cornwell on behalf of the Trustees of Steellands Farm, in relation to HELAA sites TIC0043 and TIC0044 which contains an indicative layout plan.

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