Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

2. Vision, Overall Priorities and Objectives

Representation ID: 28148

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Public Health welcomes and supports the strong emphasis and priority on health and wellbeing. There is a strong Health and Wellbeing chapter which includes an overarching policy ‘HWB1: Supporting Health and Wellbeing’ and a policy requiring Health Impact Assessments, there is also a clear health and wellbeing thread throughout the plan. All of which will help to create healthy places and environments which will support healthy lifestyles and reduce health inequalities. The Local Plan reflects the advice and suggestions that Public Health has made during the development of the consultation draft. Public Health’s Healthy Places Team welcomes the strong partnership working with Rother District Council (RDC), recognition of this within the Plan and the supporting documents and further opportunities to work with RDC as the Plan progresses to adoption.

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

1. What are your views on the Council's Vision?

Representation ID: 28149

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

The overall Vision could be strengthened and reflect the strong priority of the Local Plan on health and wellbeing by including the following *suggested additional text*:

‘Residents will be able to live well locally within safe, *attractive*, balanced and age-friendly communities, where residents and visitors of *all ages and abilities* can reach the facilities and services they need, often by walking, cycling and public transport *enabling all to have the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle*.

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Overall Priority 2 – Live Well Locally

Representation ID: 28150

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

‘What does Live Well Locally mean?’ should expand on the health and wellbeing aspects by including the following *additional suggested text*:

‘Healthy, sustainable and inclusive communities that support residents across the age, *gender and ability* spectrum in terms of housing, access to jobs, services and facilities *improving physical health and mental wellbeing and enable healthy lifestyles*.

New development that creates places that are not just visually appealing, but also inspire and foster a sense of belonging, identity, and shared experience, *reducing social isolation and creating community cohesion*.’

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

2. What are your views on proposed twin Overall Priorities to be 'Green to the Core' and 'Live Well Locally'?

Representation ID: 28151

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Overall Priority 2 – Live Well Locally p.24; It is suggested that the Key Planning Issues should be strengthened by including the following *additional suggested text*:

• ‘providing better access *by active and sustainable travel* to jobs, services and facilities across the district, and specifically supporting rural economies and communities, making them more sustainable, through meeting the needs *of residents and visitors of all ages, genders and abilities*;
• planning for *improving* physical and mental health and wellbeing by supporting strong, safe and sustainable communities, with a community-led focus, *enabling and* promoting healthier lifestyles, reducing inequality and deprivation;’

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Figure 6: Rother Local Plan

Representation ID: 28152

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Spatial Objective 1, p26; it is suggested that Spatial Objective 1 should include:

*Mitigate the effects of climate change on population health.*

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Figure 6: Rother Local Plan

Representation ID: 28153

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Spatial Objective 8, p28; It is suggested that Spatial Objective 8 should include:

‘Enhance the sustainability and connectivity of local communities through *active and* sustainable transport measures…’

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Figure 6: Rother Local Plan

Representation ID: 28154

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Spatial Objective 9, p28; We fully support and welcome this objective and the elevation of health matters within the Loal Plan. We also welcome the reference to working with the Public Health Healthy Places team to develop planning policies.

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)


Representation ID: 28155

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Green to the Core, Addressing the Climate Emergency, p31; The plan needs to recognise that climate change is the biggest threat to public health and there are health risks and impacts to the human population, across a range of development areas, especially within vulnerable groups such as young children and older people.

It is suggested all proposed policies include justifications within the supporting text that clearly sets out how developments must address the effects of climate change on population health. Mitigation measures must support maintaining and improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities.

It is suggested that the following key supporting documents should be referenced in the Local Plan:
• COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health
• UK Health Security Agency report on Health Effects of Climate Change (HECC) in the UK 2023

It is suggested that other key documents that should be referenced in the Climate Change and Live Well Locally Background Paper are:
• Spatial planning for climate resilience and Net Zero (CSE & TCPA)
• Health and climate change: complex problems with co-benefits (The Health Foundation)
• UK climate change risk assessment (Climate Change Committee)

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

30. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on facilities and services?

Representation ID: 28156

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

LWL2: Facilities & Services, p69-72 and HWB5: Green and Blue Infrastructure, p211-214; The Local Plan needs to acknowledge the particular environmental needs of women and girls to create safe and perceived safe and accessible places. It is suggested that this is picked up within Proposed Policy LWL2 and also within Policy HWB5: Green and Blue Infrastructure. For example include the suggested text:

iii) Play, Sports, Food Growing Opportunities and Recreational Facilities.

‘….located in prominent safe, secure, overlooked locations that can help encourage new and existing residents of all ages, genders and abilities to share a space.’

The acknowledgment and need to create places for all vulnerable groups including women and girls should also be covered in ii) Public Squares and Spaces of Policy LWL2.

Criteria within either Policy LWL2 or Policy HWB5 should be expanded to include the need for developments to have regard to guidance on Safer Parks and Inclusive Spaces and Places for Girls and Young People and this should be expanded on in the supporting text. It is suggested that the following key guidance documents should be referred to in the Local Plan:

• Safer Parks for Women and Girls Guidance (Make Space for Girls)
• Inclusive Spaces and Places for Girls and Young People - An Introduction for Local Government (Homes England)

There are strong links between criteria ii), iii) in Policy LWL2 and Policy HWB5, this should be acknowledged in the Local Plan. Policy LWL2 provides the detail on health and wellbeing aspects that are missing from HWB5 on Green and Blue Infrastructure therefore a link between the policies should be provided to ensure this is recognised.

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.



Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

102. Are there any alternative or additional points the Council should be considering?

Representation ID: 28157

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: East Sussex County Council

Representation Summary:

Proposed Policy HWB5: Green and Blue Infrastructure, p211-214; Please see the comments made under Proposed Policy LWL2 (paragraph 8.9 of this response) regarding linkages between the two policies and around ensuring spaces, including those within green and blue infrastructure definitions, are fully accessible and meet the needs of all populations groups particularly those most vulnerable including women and girls. If these points are not covered, the policy must signpost to other policies where these aspects are addressed. It is suggested that the policy as a minimum included the following:

‘*Spaces and facilities designed equitably for all ages, genders, and abilities*.’

It is also suggested that the policy criteria should include recognition and opportunities for multi-functional benefits therefore the following text should be included.

‘*Maximising opportunities to provide multi-functional benefits for the environment, climate change and communities*.’

Full text:

Please see attached submitted document for full comments.


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