Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

1. What are your views on the Council's Vision?

Representation ID: 27433

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

It is important that opportunities to promote the use of the railway as a more sustainable
modes of transport are identified and taken forward. The railway network is a vital
element of the country’s economy and a key component in the drive to deliver the
Government’s sustainable agenda.

Network Rail commend the work done by the Council to highlight opportunities to base
new development around proximity to transport hubs as this is also a key focus for
Network Rail. We would agree that the vision for Rother is ambitious but is achievable
and Network Rail will work with the Council to deliver this.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Overall Priority 1 – Green to the Core

Representation ID: 27434

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail supports the objective of being ‘Green to the Core’ and basing planning
decisions around the climate emergency. The focus on promoting sustainable transport
around which development would happen is supported.
Network Rail believe that access to rail stations should be prioritised to get users to the rail
network as quickly and efficiently as possible. The mass transit of people via the railway
network is one of the easiest ways of reducing car journeys and focusing new
development near rail stations will enhance this opportunity

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Overall Priority 2 – Live Well Locally

Representation ID: 27435

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail supports the approach of ‘Live Well Locally’ given its focus on promoting
sustainable transport and the decarbonisation of journeys within the District.
Opportunities to maximise developments close to rail stations should be pursued. Network
Rail support first and last mile principles which focus on getting people to rail stations
quickly. Encouraging fully connected and easily accessible walking, wheeling and cycling
routes to stations from new developments should be priorities within the new Plan.
Ensuring sufficient cycling facilities at stations to support this should also be a key part of
the Plan and Network Rail are keen to work with the Council to establish this.
The key principles as set out at para 2.13 are supported and cover the most pertinent
points. Network Rail would suggest the addition of reference to planning for improved
transport infrastructure to support a transition to decarbonising travel within the District.
This would also include seeking improvements to existing rail stations both in terms of
facilities such as cycle storage and general accessibility to make it easier and more
attractive for people to use the rail network

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

27. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on compact development?

Representation ID: 27436

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail support the objective of this draft Policy and the promotion of higher
densities around public transport. In terms of aligning with the rail network, Bexhill, Battle
and Rye provide the most efficient and accessible services. Therefore, the identification of
these as the three main urban areas is supported. Where development is located close to
rail stations, opportunities should be pursued to secure improved accessibility to the
stations. This could include walking routes, new and improved station entrances and step
free access improvements to access station platforms.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

33. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport (outside the site)?

Representation ID: 27437

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail is supportive of the Council’s approach to this Policy. Its ambition to focus
development on access to public transport is applauded and aligns with Network Rail’s
approach to encouraging use of the railway. Battle rail station has recently been awarded
funding to begin the process of developing a scheme to provide Access for All. This
includes the provision of footbridge and lifts to ensure step free access for all those
wishing to use the railway. Network Rail would suggest that the Council seeks to take
advantage of the opportunity provided by Access for All at Battle station, to encourage
increased use of the station.
Network Rail are keen to work with the Council to identify other opportunities to better
connect new development with rail stations and, where required, pursue step free access
improvements at these stations. This will play a key role in encouraging the use of the rail
network and reduce car journeys. Network Rail would encourage the Policy, and the Plan
as a whole, to promote higher density development close to rail stations to maximise
opportunities to increase rail patronage.
Network Rail notes the inclusion of the 400m threshold for accessing public transport. In
the context of rail stations, research has shown that people are prepared to walk further (1
– 1.2km) to access a rail station where there are fast connections. In these cases, people
will also often walk the further distance faster. A blanket 400m approach for rail stations
is clearly unachievable however a rapid bus service that can cover a significant distance to
the rail station, or providing pleasant and safe walking rotes for those undertaking a
longer distance should be supported. Longer routes that lack footway or present other
dangers are likely to be less attractive for people to use.
Ensuring that development contributes to cycling facilities, such as secure cycle storage at
rail stations and cycle only routes, will demonstrate the confidence for people to access
public transport this way.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

36. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport (within the site)?

Representation ID: 27438

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail supports the Council’s approach to securing improved active travel
connections within development sites. Providing quick and efficient links to public
transport hub, especially rail stations, is a significant means of boosting both use of public
transport and reducing car journeys. Network Rail would suggest that reference be made
to connecting with public transport as pat of the draft Policy. It is noted that para 4.32
includes wording for this however, to add greater weight, inclusion within the Policy should
be considered.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

80. What are your views on the Council's proposed policy on comprehensive development and masterplanning?

Representation ID: 27439

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail supports the requirement for a masterplan to demonstrate meeting the
requirements of the Local Plan including in relation to sustainable transport. A clear
setting out of phasing would also be required to inform how any infrastructure needs are
to be met.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

51. What are your views on the Council's preferred spatial development options?

Representation ID: 27440

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail supports the approach for a combination of the options presented to take
forward an inform the Plan. These fit within the criteria of Green to the Core and Live Well
Locally and seek to maximise opportunities close to public transport, which Network Rail
advocates for. It is important to note that where development is close to, or actively
encourages use of, the rail network that access to and usage of rail stations are considered
as part of the Transport Assessment(s).
Where improvements are needed, Network Rail requests that the Council supports
planning obligations for securing funding towards these from development where an
increase in use is demonstrated. Bexhill could be an especially vulnerable station in terms
of increased use and reviewing the needs of the station on a regular basis is appropriate.
Network Rail is keen to work with the Council on this to ensure that users can access the
rail network quickly and efficiently.
Given the proposed improvements to step free access at Battle rail station, where possible
opportunities to develop close to the station should be sought to maximise the benefits of
these improvements.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

54. What are your views on the Council's proposed spatial development strategy and proposed minimum targets for housing and employment growth?

Representation ID: 27441

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail notes the focus on Bexhill as the most sustainable town and the comments
regarding improvements at Bexhill as outlined above are also relevant here. Any policy
approach towards Bexhill should consider the rail station as a central part of the growth
strategy, both as a means of facilitating sustainable transport and centring the station as
key part of the local economy and public realm.
In anticipation of a review of the NPPF, Rother should ensure that planning for the
district’s housing requirement is a central part of the Plan. The current NPPF requires that
‘no stone is left unturned’ when identifying sites to meet housing needs. Using the rail
network as a basis for developing a growth strategy is sound and should be maximised
where possible.

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

56. What are your views on the vision for Bexhill?

Representation ID: 27442

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Network Rail

Representation Summary:

Network Rail notes and supports the vision for Bexhill. Reference should be made to
ensuring that Bexhill rail station capacity is upgraded to meet demand, if required and
that opportunities to secure station improvements be sought as part of the vision.
Network Rail has reviewed the potential development sites within the HELAA. Land
availability is limited in Bexhill, especially in the central part of the town, therefore
maximising density should be paramount. As part of this, the Council should review the
development quantum for each potential site to ensure these are maximised given the
sustainable nature of Bexhill.

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