Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)


Representation ID: 26508

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Eastbourne Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Thank you for consulting us on the Rother Local Plan 2020 - 2040 Draft (Regulation
18) Version (April 2024). Eastbourne Borough Council (EBC) welcomes the
opportunity to engage with Rother District Council (RDC) on their local plan,
particularly due to the requirement to engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis in relation to cross boundary planning matters under the Duty to Cooperate in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
EBC notes that the draft Local Plan has two overall priorities: “Green to the Core”
and “Live Well Locally”:
• Green to the Core emphasises the need to consider the impact of planning
decisions on the climate emergency, biodiversity crisis and the High Weald
National Landscape.
• Live Well Locally recognises that in all planning decisions, the goal is to create
healthy, sustainable and inclusive communities.
In 2019, EBC declared a climate emergency and set an ambition to be a carbon
neutral town by 2030. Therefore, EBC strongly supports the need for addressing
climate change through the Rother Local Plan, and welcomes these overall priorities,
particularly ‘Overall Priority 1 – Green to the Core’ in respect of reducing carbon
emissions through planning for sustainable transport, net zero housing and
renewable energy.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting us on the Rother Local Plan 2020 - 2040 Draft (Regulation
18) Version (April 2024). Eastbourne Borough Council (EBC) welcomes the
opportunity to engage with Rother District Council (RDC) on their local plan,
particularly due to the requirement to engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis in relation to cross boundary planning matters under the Duty to Cooperate in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
EBC notes that the draft Local Plan has two overall priorities: “Green to the Core”
and “Live Well Locally”:
• Green to the Core emphasises the need to consider the impact of planning
decisions on the climate emergency, biodiversity crisis and the High Weald
National Landscape.
• Live Well Locally recognises that in all planning decisions, the goal is to create
healthy, sustainable and inclusive communities.
In 2019, EBC declared a climate emergency and set an ambition to be a carbon
neutral town by 2030. Therefore, EBC strongly supports the need for addressing
climate change through the Rother Local Plan, and welcomes these overall priorities,
particularly ‘Overall Priority 1 – Green to the Core’ in respect of reducing carbon
emissions through planning for sustainable transport, net zero housing and
renewable energy.
EBC supports the spatial strategy to direct growth towards existing sustainable
settlements where there are existing services and sustainable transport networks,
and particularly urban intensification and redevelopment across the district in
appropriate and sustainable brownfield site locations.
We note the ‘standard method’ housing need in Rother of 14,000 new homes over
the plan period at an average of over 700 homes per year is significantly in excess of
the average of 200 homes that have been delivered in Rother per year since 2011.
Given the significant constraints in the form of national landscape designations and
environmental designations, it is appreciated that that the evidence supporting the
draft Local Plan only identifies potential land for between 5,158 and 7,287 new
homes to 2040, which is likely to result in unmet housing need. EBC notes that the
Rother Local Plan does not include proposed site allocations at this stage.
We can confirm that EBC has received a letter from RDC dated 28 June 2024 to
make us aware that it is unlikely that RDC will be able to meet its housing need in full
and in accordance with the NPPF, to formally ask whether EBC would be able to
meet any of Wealden’s unmet housing or economic development needs. We will
respond to this letter separately.
EBC do not have any other specific comments to make on the proposed policies or
questions asked within the consultation document at this time.
However, we would welcome the opportunity to continue Duty to Cooperate
discussions and to further discuss strategic matters such as the cumulative impacts
of development and growth on the Pevensey Levels and transport infrastructure.
EBC is committed to engaging constructively with RDC on relevant strategic cross
boundary matters in accordance with the Duty to Co-operate, and the production of a
Statement of Common Ground.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

Proposed Strategy: Overall Spatial Development Strategy

Representation ID: 26509

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Eastbourne Borough Council

Representation Summary:

EBC supports the spatial strategy to direct growth towards existing sustainable
settlements where there are existing services and sustainable transport networks,
and particularly urban intensification and redevelopment across the district in
appropriate and sustainable brownfield site locations.
We note the ‘standard method’ housing need in Rother of 14,000 new homes over
the plan period at an average of over 700 homes per year is significantly in excess of
the average of 200 homes that have been delivered in Rother per year since 2011.
Given the significant constraints in the form of national landscape designations and
environmental designations, it is appreciated that that the evidence supporting the
draft Local Plan only identifies potential land for between 5,158 and 7,287 new
homes to 2040, which is likely to result in unmet housing need. EBC notes that the
Rother Local Plan does not include proposed site allocations at this stage.
We can confirm that EBC has received a letter from RDC dated 28 June 2024 to
make us aware that it is unlikely that RDC will be able to meet its housing need in full
and in accordance with the NPPF, to formally ask whether EBC would be able to
meet any of Wealden’s unmet housing or economic development needs. We will
respond to this letter separately.
EBC do not have any other specific comments to make on the proposed policies or
questions asked within the consultation document at this time.
However, we would welcome the opportunity to continue Duty to Cooperate
discussions and to further discuss strategic matters such as the cumulative impacts
of development and growth on the Pevensey Levels and transport infrastructure.
EBC is committed to engaging constructively with RDC on relevant strategic cross
boundary matters in accordance with the Duty to Co-operate, and the production of a
Statement of Common Ground.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting us on the Rother Local Plan 2020 - 2040 Draft (Regulation
18) Version (April 2024). Eastbourne Borough Council (EBC) welcomes the
opportunity to engage with Rother District Council (RDC) on their local plan,
particularly due to the requirement to engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis in relation to cross boundary planning matters under the Duty to Cooperate in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
EBC notes that the draft Local Plan has two overall priorities: “Green to the Core”
and “Live Well Locally”:
• Green to the Core emphasises the need to consider the impact of planning
decisions on the climate emergency, biodiversity crisis and the High Weald
National Landscape.
• Live Well Locally recognises that in all planning decisions, the goal is to create
healthy, sustainable and inclusive communities.
In 2019, EBC declared a climate emergency and set an ambition to be a carbon
neutral town by 2030. Therefore, EBC strongly supports the need for addressing
climate change through the Rother Local Plan, and welcomes these overall priorities,
particularly ‘Overall Priority 1 – Green to the Core’ in respect of reducing carbon
emissions through planning for sustainable transport, net zero housing and
renewable energy.
EBC supports the spatial strategy to direct growth towards existing sustainable
settlements where there are existing services and sustainable transport networks,
and particularly urban intensification and redevelopment across the district in
appropriate and sustainable brownfield site locations.
We note the ‘standard method’ housing need in Rother of 14,000 new homes over
the plan period at an average of over 700 homes per year is significantly in excess of
the average of 200 homes that have been delivered in Rother per year since 2011.
Given the significant constraints in the form of national landscape designations and
environmental designations, it is appreciated that that the evidence supporting the
draft Local Plan only identifies potential land for between 5,158 and 7,287 new
homes to 2040, which is likely to result in unmet housing need. EBC notes that the
Rother Local Plan does not include proposed site allocations at this stage.
We can confirm that EBC has received a letter from RDC dated 28 June 2024 to
make us aware that it is unlikely that RDC will be able to meet its housing need in full
and in accordance with the NPPF, to formally ask whether EBC would be able to
meet any of Wealden’s unmet housing or economic development needs. We will
respond to this letter separately.
EBC do not have any other specific comments to make on the proposed policies or
questions asked within the consultation document at this time.
However, we would welcome the opportunity to continue Duty to Cooperate
discussions and to further discuss strategic matters such as the cumulative impacts
of development and growth on the Pevensey Levels and transport infrastructure.
EBC is committed to engaging constructively with RDC on relevant strategic cross
boundary matters in accordance with the Duty to Co-operate, and the production of a
Statement of Common Ground.

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