Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

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Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

67. What are your views on the potential sites identified in the draft HELAA that could accommodate more growth in Rye and the eastern network settlements?

Representation ID: 25405

Received: 16/07/2024

Respondent: Beckley Parish Council

Representation Summary:

24.07.15 Beckley PC Response to Draft Local Plan 2020 - 2040 Consultation_Public

Full text:

Question 67 in the main

Beckley Parish Council is in broad support of the policies put forward, in the Local Plan, in particular those that reduce our carbon footprint and protect our environment.

With regard to potential residential development for Beckley, as identified in the HELAA, the council is in favour of sympathetic development throughout the village. The village is one where the natural gaps, with views to the countryside, between continuous development distinguish the two main areas: Four Oaks (Whitebread Lane, Hobbs Lane, Peasmarsh Road and Main Street to Budden Green) and Beckley (the Church to the Village Hall).

Currently there are two approved sites: Buddens Green allocated 6/8 dwellings as affordable homes and Hobbs Lane Former Manroy site allocated 14 dwellings. These are reasonable locations where the number of dwellings should not be allowed to augment as a higher density
would not sit well.

The council believes there should be no further development in the Four Oaks area as this would lead to a disproportion between Four Oaks and Beckley changing the overall appearance of the village. Four Oaks would become over developed and cramped whilst Beckley towards the Church would become sparser. This would alter the current natural fall in density from Four Oaks to All Saints.

To preserve the current balance, the council believes that the proposed further 10/12 dwellings should be in small groups of 2 to 4 dwellings. These should include low level bungalows as well as self-build schemes and should be 2/3-bedroom accommodation.

To maintain the character of Beckley as a disbursed settlement these should be distributed along Main Street and the adjoining lanes. There are sites on Kings Bank, Horseshoe Lane, Church Lane, Rectory Lane and Stoddards Lane, which whilst currently outside the development boundaries, would allow for small pockets of houses to be built in order to meet the targets placed on the village, whilst minimising traffic impacts on the relevant lanes and reflecting the way in which the village has evolved historically.

We would welcome the opportunity to work with the District Council, local residents and landowners
to identify appropriate sites.

Please see attached submission letter.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)

8. Are there any alternatives or additional points the Council should be considering?

Representation ID: 25825

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Beckley Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Regarding water efficiency: it has been suggested that we build fresh water spring ground water outlets in the villages and town, some already have them. In times of water shortages and rationing, we need an infinite supply, people have animals they need to keep alive for one. I have been told that when we have water cuts, some people take over 100 of the water bottles provided because of this, meaning that supply is finite and plastic is being used wastefully. If we are talking about green to the core and living well locally, fresh water is paramount, I personally feel this should be a priority. This type of forward thinking and achievement by the local authorities will be hailed by many.

Additionally, there are many unused wells in people's gardens, private land and on farms etc, if we are to take water efficiency seriously, then this is a no-brainer.

Full text:

Regarding water efficiency: it has been suggested that we build fresh water spring ground water outlets in the villages and town, some already have them. In times of water shortages and rationing, we need an infinite supply, people have animals they need to keep alive for one. I have been told that when we have water cuts, some people take over 100 of the water bottles provided because of this, meaning that supply is finite and plastic is being used wastefully. If we are talking about green to the core and living well locally, fresh water is paramount, I personally feel this should be a priority. This type of forward thinking and achievement by the local authorities will be hailed by many.

Additionally, there are many unused wells in people's gardens, private land and on farms etc, if we are to take water efficiency seriously, then this is a no-brainer.


Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 (Regulation 18)


Representation ID: 25833

Received: 22/07/2024

Respondent: Beckley Parish Council

Representation Summary:

We have water underground and with such an abundance of rain, we surely can look further than water rationing [agree on rain butts]. I sent in a representation already regarding fresh water spring outlets, this is not rocket science I think you will agree; I also mentioned unused wells in people's properties etc. I think many people will question why we have a shortage of water when it has not stopped raining from last winter ongoing till today.

The other concern is the quality of tap water, which is of poor quality and is certainly not adding to living well, anywhere.

I missed this section somehow and also I had to tick that I am 17 and under before submitting my previous comment, when I am in fact 60+ years old.

Full text:

We have water underground and with such an abundance of rain, we surely can look further than water rationing [agree on rain butts]. I sent in a representation already regarding fresh water spring outlets, this is not rocket science I think you will agree; I also mentioned unused wells in people's properties etc. I think many people will question why we have a shortage of water when it has not stopped raining from last winter ongoing till today.

The other concern is the quality of tap water, which is of poor quality and is certainly not adding to living well, anywhere.

I missed this section somehow and also I had to tick that I am 17 and under before submitting my previous comment, when I am in fact 60+ years old.

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