Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to Policies Maps

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Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to Policies Maps

Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to Policies Maps

Representation ID: 24661

Received: 09/09/2019

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Historic England's has no specific comments to make on the proposed Main Modifications, Additional Modifications and associated Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum.

Full text:

As the Government's adviser on the historic environment Historic England is keen to ensure that the protection of the historic environment is fully taken into account at all stages and levels of the local planning process, and welcomes the opportunity to comment upon this planning document.

Historic England's has no specific comments to make on the proposed Main Modifications, Additional Modifications and associated Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum.

These comments are based on the information provided by you at this time and for the avoidance of doubt does not reflect our obligation to advise you on, and potentially object to, any specific development proposal which may subsequently arise from this or later versions of the plan and which may, in our view, have adverse effects on the historic environment.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.