Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to Policies Maps

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Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to Policies Maps

Schedule of Main Modifications and changes to Policies Maps

Representation ID: 24664

Received: 05/08/2019

Respondent: Rye Town Council

Representation Summary:

Rye Town Council has noted the latest DaSA submission and sees no conflict with the recently made Rye Neighbourhood Plan.

Full text:

I note that the papers suggest that the DaSA should be read alongside both documents and complements the Rother core policies. I have looked at the DaSA policies in Part A and consider that the RNP continues to conform. We would expect this, as we worked closely with Rother Planners to ensure that this would be case.

I note on particular the policies below in Part A.

DHG 1: affordable housing requirements
DHG 6: self build
DHG 7: extensions in residential areas for storage, waste and recycling.
DEC 1: shopfronts and signage
DEC 3: employment sites
DEN 3: strategic gaps including the enlarged gap between Rye and Rye Harbour
DEN 4: green spaces
DEN 5: sustainable drainage
DEN 6: land stability including the Rye Undercliff and Military Rd
DIM 2: development boundaries

Part B Site Allocations

The RNP conforms to the set housing target (up to 400) and notes the Rye Harbour target (40) , which has historically been included with the Rye. It also conforms to the business development target. All details of the site allocations for Rye are covered by the RNP.

In short there are policies in the DaSA above which are particularly relevant to Rye and complement the policies in the RNP.

There are references in the RNP to draw readers attention to this.

Rye Town Council has noted the latest DaSA submission and sees no conflict with the recently made Rye Neighbourhood Plan.

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