Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List
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Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List
Representation ID: 21800
Received: 27/03/2015
Respondent: Persimmon Homes South East
Agent: Savills
Unviable Rates - RDC's proposed CIL rate for SUEs in Bexhill have been found to be unviable for residential development. We have not been able to test the other proposed rates in light of PBA not disclosing their viability appraisals; however, we are concerned that the other proposed rates are set too high especially the rate for Zone 1, Battle, Rural North and West at £200 per sqm
To view Savills representation on behalf of Persimmon Homes Plc please click on the following link:
Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List
Representation ID: 21801
Received: 27/03/2015
Respondent: Persimmon Homes South East
Agent: Savills
Incorrect Assumptions - A number of the key viability inputs adopted by PBA are incorrect. This results in an over-estimation of the maximum CIL rates that can be supported.
To view Savills representation on behalf of Persimmon Homes Plc please click on the following link:
Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List
Representation ID: 21802
Received: 27/03/2015
Respondent: Persimmon Homes South East
Agent: Savills
Application of Buffer - It is fundamental that a minimum viability cushion of 30% should be adopted within the proposed CIL rates to minimise risk to the housing supply, particularly when RDC has such a significant history of under delivery of private and affordable housing.
To view Savills representation on behalf of Persimmon Homes Plc please click on the following link:
Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List
Representation ID: 21803
Received: 27/03/2015
Respondent: Persimmon Homes South East
Agent: Savills
Charging Zones - RDC have proposed differential CIL rates by 'zone' (or geography) and type of development (greenfield or brownfield). Whilst the principle of applying differential rates is not questioned, the proposed Charging Zone Map prepared by Peter Brett Associates (''PBA'') is unclear and overly complicated.
To view Savills representation on behalf of Persimmon Homes Plc please click on the following link: