Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy

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Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy

MOD 16.1

Representation ID: 21573

Received: 27/09/2013

Respondent: Rother and Hastings CPRE

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The new wording would permit mixed use by which presumably is meant residential as well, to be obtained too easily. 'Need' : by whom ? The developer to make more money? This would also apply to live work units which have been used elsewhere as a device to promote housing over a site which should remain in employment use.

Full text:

The new wording would permit mixed use by which presumably is meant residential as well, to be obtained too easily. 'Need' : by whom ? The developer to make more money? This would also apply to live work units which have been used elsewhere as a device to promote housing over a site which should remain in employment use.


Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy

MOD 16.2

Representation ID: 21574

Received: 27/09/2013

Respondent: Rother and Hastings CPRE

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Whilst we broadly support the aim of this change, as with Mod 16.1, mixed use creeps in here without any restraint all. Mixed use development has to be a last resort after all alternatives have been explored. It would be helpful also to have a definition of what is meant by strategic since what was a proto definition in the previous version has been removed in this latest one.

If particularly a village is to be sustainable and to remain so, there needs always to be economic activity and that demands sites. Otherwise a village will no longer be sustainable.

Full text:

Whilst we broadly support the aim of this change, as with Mod 16.1, mixed use creeps in here without any restraint all. Mixed use development has to be a last resort after all alternatives have been explored. It would be helpful also to have a definition of what is meant by strategic since what was a proto definition in the previous version has been removed in this latest one.

If particularly a village is to be sustainable and to remain so, there needs always to be economic activity and that demands sites. Otherwise a village will atrophy and no longer be sustainable.


Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy

MOD 16.3

Representation ID: 21575

Received: 27/09/2013

Respondent: Rother and Hastings CPRE

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

EC6 (vii) could be improved by reinstating the deleted words after 'policies' and inserting also 'including in particular capability'.
This is to emphasise the importance of the consideration of public transport for sustainability reasons, and cycle ways and footpaths for leisure and health reasons. Bridleways should also be referred to for the same reason.

Full text:

EC6 (vii) could be improved by reinstating the deleted words after 'policies' and inserting also 'including in particular capability'.

This is to emphasise the importance of the consideration of public transport for sustainability reasons, and cycle ways and footpaths for leisure and health reasons. Bridleways should also be referred to for the same reason.


Main Modifications to the Proposed Submission Core Strategy

MOD 18.1

Representation ID: 21576

Received: 27/09/2013

Respondent: Rother and Hastings CPRE

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We believe that for sustainability reasons as well as public policy reasons the proposal to put a station at Glyne Gap should be in then plan. Even with the BHLR there will be substantial traffic around the Glyne Gap area and a positive proposal to use and enhance existing public transport facilities should be grasped. Previous studies have shown pollution levels on De La Warr Road are high. Post BHLR they will still be high, enhanced by increased traffic to the revamped shopping area. So public transport access is absolutely needed.

Full text:

We believe that for sustainability reasons as well as public policy reasons the proposal to put a station at Glyne Gap should be in then plan. Even with the BHLR there will be substantial traffic around the Glyne Gap area and a positive proposal to use and enhance existing public transport facilities should be grasped. Previous studies have shown pollution levels on De La Warr Road are high. Post BHLR they will still be high, enhanced by increased traffic to the revamped shopping area. So public transport access is absolutely needed.

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