Proposed Submission Core Strategy

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Proposed Submission Core Strategy


Representation ID: 21128

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 8.61 states an assessment of Core Strategy allocations on the capacity of the A259 will be undertaken as part of the Site Allocations DPD. The broad impact of development has already been assessed as part of the Link Road and this supported the Core Strategy.

The BHLR Model assessed impacts of various allocation scenarios assuming link road construction. Although we recognise the scenarios assessed do not mirror exactly the Core Strategy allocations, we are content the overall assessment is satisfactory at this stage. It is important this work is included as it provides supporting evidence for the Core Strategy.

Full text:

Paragraph 8.61 states that an assessment of Core Strategy allocations on the capacity of the A259 will be undertaken as part of the Site Allocations DPD. We understand that the broad impact of development has already been assessed as part of the Bexhill Hastings Link Road (BHLR) assessment in 2008 and that this supported policy development within the Core Strategy. In order to demonstrate that the Core Strategy is deliverable in transport terms this assessment needs to be included within the Core Strategy evidence base.

The BHLR Model assessed the impact of various Core Strategy allocation scenarios assuming that the link road would be constructed. Scenario 4 considered the impact of 2,150 dwellings and 45,000m2 employment at Bexhill which is comparable to the Core Strategy allocation. Although we recognise that the scenarios assessed within the BHLR modelling do not mirror exactly the allocations detailed in the Core Strategy we are content that the overall assessment is satisfactory at this stage. It is important that this work is included as it provides the supporting evidence for the sale of development considered within the Core Strategy particularly at Bexhill. If such an assessment is not included there is a risk that the Core Strategy could be found unsound on transport grounds. Further work assessing the impact on the SRN at Site Allocations stage will however be necessary as noted in Paragraph 8.61.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy OSS2: Bexhill to Hastings Link Road and development

Representation ID: 21129

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

We welcome this approach which demonstrates flexibility in accordance with PPS12. We note that the scale of development that could be delivered if the link road is not constructed is currently unknown. Given the high level of uncertainty surrounding link road funding we recommend this study be undertaken in advance of the EIP to provide a comprehensive assessment of impacts on the A259/A21.

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified. In the event the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out reduced development levels at Bexhill.

Full text:

This policy focuses on contingency planning in the event that the BHLR is not constructed. We welcome this approach which demonstrates Core Strategy flexibility in accordance with PPS12. We note however that the scale of development that could be delivered if the link road is not constructed is currently unknown. Given the high level of uncertainty surrounding the funding of the link road we recommend that this study be undertaken in advance of the EIP to provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact on the A259 and A21.

Development Allocations
Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy BX3: Development Strategy

Representation ID: 21130

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN.

Full text:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN and is therefore welcomed.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy HF1: The Hastings Fringes

Representation ID: 21131

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN.

Full text:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN and is therefore welcomed.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy BA1: Policy Framework for Battle

Representation ID: 21132

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN.

Full text:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN and is therefore welcomed.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy RY1: Policy Framework for Rye and Rye Harbour

Representation ID: 21133

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN.

Full text:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN and is therefore welcomed.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy RA1: Villages

Representation ID: 21134

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN.

Full text:

Broad development areas in Bexhill, Hastings Fringe, Battle, Rye and surrounding villages are identified within the Core Strategy. The scale of development in Bexhill is dependent on the delivery of the BHLR. In the event that the link road is not constructed we support the policies that set out that the level of development at Bexhill will be reduced.

We are pleased to note that proposals within the broad development areas include plans to improve sustainable transport links within and between urban centres. We welcome this approach as it could help reduce development impact on the SRN and is therefore welcomed.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy


Representation ID: 21143

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

In broad terms we welcome the transport objectives detailed in Paragraph 18.15, particularly those designed to increase mode choice and promote sustainable transport alternatives to the car.

Full text:

In broad terms we welcome the transport objectives detailed in Paragraph 18.15, particularly those designed to increase mode choice and promote sustainable transport alternatives to the car.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy TR3: Access and New Development

Representation ID: 21146

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

Policy TR3 outlines the requirements for new development including the production of a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan assessing the impact. We strongly support this policy as it should help ensure that potential development sites are subjected to the appropriate level of assessment.

Full text:

Policy TR3 outlines the requirements for new development including the production of a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan assessing the impact. We strongly support this policy as it should help ensure that potential development sites are subjected to the appropriate level of assessment.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy

Policy IM1: Monitoring Framework

Representation ID: 21148

Received: 11/11/2011

Respondent: Highways Agency

Representation Summary:

PPS12 states the Core Strategy should identify what infrastructure needs/costs are required to deliver the plan. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan identifies only the BHLR, as being critical in transport terms. Delivery of the link road is currently uncertain. We are generally satisfied with the suggested framework for implementation and monitoring in the Strategy.

We recognise that many policies assume/rely on the BHLR. The funding decision will dictate the level of development. In the event that the BHLR is not funded, further work will need to be undertaken to identify revised development levels. This would provide helpful support to the Examination.

Full text:

PPS12 states that the Core Strategy should identify what infrastructure needs and costs are required to deliver the plan. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan identifies only the BHLR, which would be funded by the DfT, as being critical in transport terms. Delivery of the link road is currently uncertain with the funding decision expected by the end of 2011. We are generally satisfied with the suggested framework for the implementation and monitoring strategy detailed in the Core Strategy.

We recognise that many of the Core Strategy policies assume / rely on the BHLR being constructed. The funding decision will dictate the level of development that can be provided in Rother. In the event that the BHLR is not given funding, further work will need to be undertaken to identify the revised level of development that could be provided. This would provide helpful support to the Rother Core Strategy Examination.

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