Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

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Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)

Representation ID: 20218

Received: 03/02/2009

Respondent: Jempson's Superstore

Representation Summary:

Retail study: In addition the GL Hearn Retail Study Report of 2008 severely underestimates the turnover values of the existing and proposed extension to this supermarket in Rye. It must be considered that the figure of 1650 sq.m. resulted from this study and if the turnover data is wrong in the first instance it follows that the perceived extra retail need is subsequently flawed.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)

Representation ID: 20219

Received: 03/02/2009

Respondent: Jempson's Superstore

Representation Summary:

Retail study cont: Furthermore consideration must be made to evaluate the extra requirement for bulky goods within the Rye catchment area. Our surveys show that 80% of customers drive to the urban centres of Hastings and Ashford for bulky goods with the resultant environmental impact this has on the area and in addition, the leakage of other trade types (convenience and everyday goods) that occurs on combined shopping trips. Therefore we would like to propose a need for this category to be included in the LDF document.

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