Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
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Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 20433
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: BWEA
In accordance with the Climate Change Supplement to PPS1, planning authorities should have an evidence-based understanding of the local feasibility and potential for renewable and low-carbon technologies, including microgeneration, to supply new development in their area. Drawing from this evidence-base, local authorities should :
1. Set out a target percentage of the energy to be used in new development to come from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon energy sources, where it is viable. The target should avoid prescription on technologies and be flexible in how carbon savings from local energy supplies are to be secured,
2. Where there are particular and demonstrable opportunities for greater use of decentralised and renewable or low-carbon energy than the target percentage, bring forward development area22 or site-specific targets to secure this potential; and, in bringing forward targets,
3. Set out the type and size of development to which the target will be applied; and
4. Ensure there is a clear rationale for the target and it is properly tested.