Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

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Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)

Representation ID: 19324

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlement Study Part 1
Paragraphs 6.63 states that windfall sites will predominately be within those villages with development boundaries. Countryside policies would however, prevent infill development with settlements without identified built up area boundaries. If the Council consider that there may be opportunities for infill/redevelopment in 'Countryside' settlements (ie those without settlement boundaries) a new policy needs to be introduced into the Core Strategy. Such a policy could also refer to the re use/redevelopment of brownfield sites in countryside policy locations.


Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions

Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)

Representation ID: 19326

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Agent: Town and Country Planning Solutions

Representation Summary:

Rural Settlements Study Part 2
The Consultation on Strategy Directions indicates that built up area boundaries around towns and villages will be identified as part of the Housing Allocation DPD. While the Rural Settlement Study provides a comprehensive assessment of rural settlements to inform the list of settlements included in Box 17 (e), it goes too far in identifying the potential for housing development in each settlement. This is a matter for detailed consideration and public consultation as part of the Housing Allocations DPD and could prejudice the potential of other suitable housing sites being identified at that stage (either by revisions to settlement boundaries or by the allocation of suitable housing sites).

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