Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
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Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
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Representation ID: 19894
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
Hurst Green pp 56-58
Local facilities and services: It needs to be noted that Hurst Green has seen a significant decline in services and community groups over the last few years. The latest has been the closure of the newsagents and post office as the owner retired. It should be noted that the Parish Council are progressing the establishment of a community shop and post office based on their consultation with residents through their Local Action Plan. The redundant Catholic Church site has been identified and work is progressing in terms of agreement with the landowner. There appears to be strong local support for this project.
Support for this should be evident in the LDF.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
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Representation ID: 19895
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
Accessibility: The A21 cutting through the village continues to be a major concern for residents and the Parish Council. The main concern is safety and the vigorous attempts to work with the Highways Agency have not resulted in the implementation of the several proposals from the Parish Council: an extension of the speed limit up to Ashdene Garage, a roundabout at Coopers Corner, bollards to prevent parking on the pavement in the centre of Hurst Green, a pedestrian crossing which does not just work when there is no traffic, improvements to allow traffic to exit more easily from Station Road. The Highways Agency's overriding concern is to keep traffic moving.
The by-pass is not scheduled to be considered until after 2016. The problems of the existing A21 through Hurst Green must be addressed. Residents should not be expected to suffer for at least another seven years.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
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Representation ID: 19896
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
Economic role and needs: The existence of the preferred route has allowed some local business and residents to clam blight. However, other businesses, which cannot claim blight remain blighted because of the uncertainty of the future over the by pass. There is some support for the preferred route to be removed allowing businesses along the A21 to plan for the future.
Housing needs: The Parish Council feel very strongly that there should be no additional housing in Hurst Green until the present issues of the A21 are resolved.
Community need: The preferred route of the by pass goes through the football field. Alternative land should be identified.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19897
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
RSS The Parish Council have negotiated with a landowner and the provision of allotments is almost finalised.
The Parish Council would also wish to extend the play facilities to include equipment for older children. Young people in Hurst Green have stated they wish to have a place to meet and have youth activities. The Catholic Church may present an opportunity for this.
The Parish Council claim that stage field should be in their hands as it was part of Battle RDC, but as Hurst Green wasn't parished at the time it passed to RDC. The Parish would still wish to have this land devolved to them.
There has been concern over a number of years that the northern section of Hurst Green is not on mains drainage. There is evidence of sewage contamination.The water authorities should be pressed to introduce mains drainage.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19898
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
Robertsbridge pp 83-85
The LDF should be robust in maintaining and supporting services in Robertsbridge; especially the retention of retail space and policies should reflect this.
As a service centre, the Parish Council and the community should be involved in negotiating and benefiting from 106 agreements.
Accessibility: Robertsbridge Station should be upgraded to present an attractive welcome to visitors and residents. Cycle racks should be provided.
The preferred route of the A21 north of Robertsbridge was met with strong local objections: the listed building Bantony has been left empty and is deteriorating at a rapid rate. The opening up of the north of Northbridge Street would be detrimental for Northbridge Street residents and encourage through traffic through the village. Pedestrians walking from the east of the village would have to negotiate a dual and a single carriageway. The development of a new road would exacerbate flooding. (In 2000, properties in Northbridge Street flooded from surface water, not fluvial flooding.)
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19899
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
RSS:Housing Need: All surveys demonstrate the preference for affordable housing association housing rather than private, especially large houses. The Parish Council are against extensions making smaller affordable dwellings larger.
Robertsbridge is the only large village without its own dedicated accommodation for elderly residents. This has been a concern for some years and RDC have an opportunity to remedy this. An assisted housing scheme should be planned for Robertsbridge.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19900
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
RSS Economic role and needs: Every survey from the Local Action Plan to the use of the Mill Site has demonstrated residents' wishes to see more employment opportunities in Robertsbridge. RDC's approach to the Mill Site as being substantially for employment use is strongly supported. RDC have an opportunity to ensure the site becomes a flagship for green businesses.The LDF provides an opportunity to enhance the local economy by supporting local producers and farm shops. This could be done by including a policy of allowing signage for these particular enterprises.
(I do not understand the division of Robertsbridge into geographic areas in terms of economic base.)
The rail link between Robertsbridge and Bodiam would attract visitors to Robertsbridge and support the local economy.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19901
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
RSS Community need: Support should be given to the development of new cycle track/bridleways and footpaths as well as a higher maintenance standard and signage for existing paths.
A community sports hall based at Robertsbridge Community College is an identified need in Capita Symonds Leisure Facilities Strategy.
It should be noted that uniquely Robertsbridge has a dedicated building for childcare for children 0 to 11 years old open 48 weeks of the year
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19902
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
RSS Environmental and landscape factors: Any new development in Robertsbridge will exacerbate the risk of surface water flooding. There must be strong policies required developers to address this issue. The Environment Agency will look towards the Local Authority in the first instance to control surface water run off via the planning process. It is recommended that a specific policy should address this for Robertsbridge.
Since the flood defences have been in place, two flash floods have inundated properties at some distance from the flood plain. Both schools have been flooded. Water cannot soak into tarmac or concrete and water runs off hard surfaces two to six times faster than off grassland. It is recommended that planning policies and decisions should recognise that the consideration of flood risk and its management needs to be applied on a whole-catchment basis and not restricted to flood plains.
Background Evidence Studies for Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions
Comments on Background Evidence Studies (Please clarify which)
Representation ID: 19903
Received: 28/01/2009
Respondent: Cllr Susan Prochak
rss Environmental and landscape factors: Any new development in Robertsbridge will exacerbate the risk of surface water flooding. There must be strong policies required developers to address this issue. It is recommended that a specific policy should address this for Robertsbridge.
Since the flood defences have been in place, two flash floods have inundated properties at some distance from the flood plain. Both schools have been flooded. Water cannot soak into tarmac or concrete and water runs off hard surfaces two to six times faster than off grassland. It is recommended that planning policies and decisions should recognise that the consideration of flood risk and its management needs to be applied on a whole-catchment basis and not restricted to flood plains.