Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
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Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Map 1 - District Key Diagram
Representation ID: 20119
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
The Highways Agency scheme on the A21 - Flimwell to Robertsbridge has a Preferred Route and Route Protection. Therefore considered that this scheme should be included inthe Key Diagram.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 3 - Preferred Strategy for Overall Spatial Development
Representation ID: 20120
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraphs 5.52 to 5.65
The HA supports the 'Service Centre' option chosen for development distribution. This approach, as highlighted in paragraph 5.54 will best utilise existing transport links and help reduce the need to travel by car.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 4 - Preferred Strategy for timing of Bexhill/Hastings Link Road
Representation ID: 20121
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraph 5.79 to 5.93
The HA is pleased to note a contingency plan has been developed should the Link Road for whatever reason, not be built or be significantly delayed.
The HA would, however, suggest that the contingency plan be further expanded.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 4 - Preferred Strategy for timing of Bexhill/Hastings Link Road
Representation ID: 20122
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraphs 7.79 to 5.93
It is not clear where the figures quoted at paragraph 5.84 have come from. It is understood that the HBLATS did not cover this and would like to know how these figures were arrived at. It should also be clarified that delay would still result in the full quantum of development being delivered but not in the Plan period. A cancellation would result in reducing the quantum of development achieved not only in the Plan period but beyond.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
6. Bexhill and Hastings Fringes
Representation ID: 20123
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraphs 6.35 to 6.38
Suggest that a clear reference to the HBLATS work is made in order to justify the location of the proposed housing development and associated link road (joining the A259 and the A269). The HA is content that the supportive work has been completed. This will help satisfy the PPS12 requirement that the Core Strategy should be founded on a robust and credible evidence base.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 13 - Preferred Strategy Direction for Battle
Representation ID: 20124
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Sections (d) Accessibility, point (iv) and (e) Town Centre point (i) make reference to the provision of additional off-street parking in and around Battle.
The HA have concerns that this provision of additional car parking conflicts with the Transport and Accessibility chapter's objectives - "increase the potential for travel by more sustainable modes" - and (b) Local Accessibility and sustainable Travel Patterns of the preferred strategy.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
7. Battle
Representation ID: 20125
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraph 7.42
As the Marley Lane/A21 Junction is mentioned in paragraph 7.42, we would suggest adding the Highways Agency to the Accessibility line of the 'Lead Agencies/Partners Table' at paragraph 7.44.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 15 - Preferred Strategy for Rye and Rye Harbour
Representation ID: 20126
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraphs 8.36, 8.37 and 8.38
The HA has concerns regarding the proposed new commercial activity in Rock Channel and the access arrangements to/from Rock Channel. Any further intensification of use could cause serious safety implications on the A259 trunk road.
It is noted that the Rock Channel Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document recognises that junction and road improvements will need to be implemented to serve any future development. The HA look forward to working with Rother in the development of any road/junction proposals that also address the safety concerns raised above.
Suggest including the Highways Agency in the accessibility line of the 'Lead Agencies/Partners Table' at paragraph 8.38.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
Box 34 Aim and Objectives
Representation ID: 20127
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraph 13.5
The HA welcomes and supports the transport and accessibility aims and objectives stated in this section and the emphasis on sustainable travel generally in the Core Strategy.
Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008
7. Battle
Representation ID: 20128
Received: 30/01/2009
Respondent: Highways Agency
Paragraphs 13.17 to 13.19
The HA would like to recommend that a specific reference to the HBLATS joint working is included in the Core Strategy. It will provide further evidence that specifif mechanisms are in place to deliver the Transport and Accessibility Strategy and demonstrate the joint working that is occurring between Rother District Council, Hastings Borough Council and East Sussex County Council.
As the HBLATS work enters its final stages the HA wishes to remain involved in its development, through to its completion, to ensure it provides the basis for a robust Evaluation of Transport Impacts (ETI).