Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

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Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

7. Battle

Representation ID: 20315

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

We object to the 'area of search'. This precludes development to the north of the town on land that could be entirely suitable for this purpose.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

7. Battle

Representation ID: 20316

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

We support "continued development to support the town's role".


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

7. Battle

Representation ID: 20317

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

However, Battle must also be allowed to foster economic vitality from within, and provide the housing for its growing population.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

7. Battle

Representation ID: 20318

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

We object to the conclusion that sectors 4 and 5 offer most potential for development on the periphery of the town. sector 4 is already largely committed for development.

Sector 5 falls within the Strategic Gap. Lillybank Farm would be suitable for a modest extension to the town. It is nearer to the town centre than the Sector 5 land in the Strategic Gap.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

Box 13 - Preferred Strategy Direction for Battle

Representation ID: 20328

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

We object to item (f)(iv) of this box on the grounds that the area of search for peripheral expansion of the town has been inappropriately defined. Land between Hastings Road and Marley lane has already been allocated for development in the current Local Plan.

Land north of North Trade Road and west of London Road (A2100) should be included as being a potential location for additional peripheral expansion of the town.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

8. Rye and Rye Harbour

Representation ID: 20329

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

The strategy for Rye and Rye Harbour does not go far enough to facilitate the level of new investment required to reverse the spiral of decline that has been ongoing for many years.

Too great an emphasis has been placed on the physical constraints and not enough has been done to balance these against it social and economic needs.

We propose new development in the form of a marina on land to the south of Rock Channel is identified as necessary to create the catalyst to new investment and economic growth that the town requires.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

Box 14 - Rye and Rye Harbour Aim and Objectives

Representation ID: 20330

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

The Aims and Objectives for Rye and Rye Harbour set out in this box are broadly supported.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

8. Rye and Rye Harbour

Representation ID: 20331

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

We object to the approach of paragraph 8.8.

It is not right to encourage economic growth on existing local businesses only as they do not provide the range and quality of job opportunities. Rye must embrace change and attract new investment. It must create the circumstances that will mean that new businesses will want to locate in Rye. This will provide a wider range of employment commensurate with other strategies.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

8. Rye and Rye Harbour

Representation ID: 20332

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

Consider there are significant difficulties with the general proposition that there is potential to develop general industry at Rye Harbour Industrial Area. This area has environmental constraints and has been underused for many years. This is because it is not a desirable or attractive place to commercial or industrial developers. Identifying it will not change this situation.


Core Strategy Consultation on Strategy Directions 2008

Box 15 - Preferred Strategy for Rye and Rye Harbour

Representation ID: 20333

Received: 30/01/2009

Respondent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd

Representation Summary:

This land provides a major regeneration opportunity but only if its value is enhanced. A proper viability appraisal is needed. This analysis will show that a major new catalyst for development is required.

As regards Rye Harbour, port facilities would never be acceptable in terms of ecology or landscape.

There is need for a major new development at Rye and we have proposed the allocation of land south of Rock Channel as a marina.

There is scope to include the marina development and still retain enough open land to retain the separation of Rock Channel, industrial development and to enhance access to river frontage and new cycle route.

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