North East Bexhill Masterplan
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North East Bexhill Masterplan
5. Development principles
Representation ID: 19018
Received: 27/07/2007
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
The SPD should be amended to clarify that the newly designated 'off site' public open space to the north of BX2 site, is intended to contribute to meeting the needs arising from the development and not intended to make up shortfalls in existing provision.
The final SPD should explain the term 'extra care scheme' in paragraph 5.43. It should clarify that entry level for shared equity housing should be set at the time and that the 25% suggested in paragraph 5.50 is an indicative target not a rigid requirement.
North East Bexhill Masterplan
8. Implementation
Representation ID: 19019
Received: 06/09/2007
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Bidwells
The final SPD should provide greater clarity about the expected contributions to be delivered through the Section 106. Priorities should be identified.
A viable development is fundamental and flexibility for unexpected costs is needed.
The SPD should clarify whether developers of the market housing are expected to subsidise the S106 requirements that will arise from the affordable housing element.
The SPD should set out a contingency plan should land ownership issues become a barrier to development. Possible future development should be taken into account in road design.