Question 7 re. meeting development demands in ways responsive to local and global environmental considerations

Showing comments and forms 31 to 50 of 50


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18842

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Environmental Group

Representation Summary:

Theme 4: Emphasis put on preserving the existing built environment which, is not sustainable, irrespective of its aesthetic merits. Methods stated to combat climate change are vague and unambitious. No mention is made of BREEAM {British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method): need a requirement for all new development, including commercial, industrial and community, to achieve ratings 'very good' or 'excellent'. Building forms that are perceived to be 'out of keeping' should be supported if it can be demonstrated it is necessary in order to achieve zero carbon emissions. The document needs to encourage communal heat and power systems for larger developments.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18855

Received: 14/02/2007

Respondent: The National Trust

Representation Summary:

We support development at higher densities as a means of meeting future demands for development whilst protecting the natural environment and minimising the need for green field development. The plan needs to ensure high quality design in new development which reflects the architectural heritage of the District.

Further emphasis could be given to the protection and enhancement of the heritage of the district and its settings.

Renewable energy is supported in principle although we do not support on-shore or off- shore wind energy proposals that would cause significant damage to protected areas (particularly wild and unspoilt landscapes), to undeveloped coast, to marine wildlife and archaeology or would adversely affect natural coastal processes.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18867

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: BALI

Representation Summary:

In general we liked this section and its recognition of environmental targets in 8.12. However,
Waste Management and Waste Disposal should be tackled head-on here and not just in Section 9 i.e. in an environmental context. Why is Rother District Council introducing kerbside recycling and the diversion of waste from Landfill? Why do most people (and I believe members of RDC) oppose further landfill in Bexhill? Not as questions of infrastructure, but to reduce the effects of landfill on the Rother environment and to reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

There should be also low-cost loans or grants for existing homeowners to install energy efficient equipment and planning restrictions on wind/solar panelling should be relaxed. New homes should be required to meet the highest standards of insulation and use green technology to produce most of their own heat and electricity .


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18873

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Forestry Commission

Representation Summary:

Add to text to the map of ancient woodland, that a large proportion of the Districts woodland is ancient. Recognition required of the need to ensure connectivity between sites within the landscape to support biodiversity. Ensuring the protection of Ancient Woodland to the same standard as SSSIs would help this. Sustainable building is the key to reducing the carbon footprint, particularly use of renewable energy. Target should be set for new buildings to meet the â€~very good’ standard of ECO Homes/Bream. Woodfuel important in providing renewable energy. Setting of targets for Renewable energy is encouraged. Architectural heritage be conserved also in new building construction.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18893

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Persimmon Homes South East

Agent: Bell Cornwell

Representation Summary:

New development has to fit in with the local environment, indeed enhance it where possible.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18898

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Wealden District Council

Representation Summary:

Bearing in mind that the High Weald is an AONB, any renewable energy related policies should be devised with a view to protecting this high quality and unique landscape.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18902

Received: 15/02/2007

Respondent: Ms. Elizabeth Goldsworthy

Representation Summary:

We should consider converting waste to energy, sewage to fuel, and enhancing solar power with mirrors. River and tide could be harnessed.

Could gravel pits be used to retain rainwater for use. Development continues despite risk of flooding. Inadequate drainage threatens dwellings in Rye. Overdevelopment in Rye means that the soakaway has been minimalised. There is a lack of good, sound environmentally friendly design.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18909

Received: 16/02/2007

Respondent: Councillor David Vereker

Representation Summary:

Emphasis should be placed on re-developing brownfield sites before anything else.

> Too much emphasis should not be placed on climate change and energy conservation.

> world polluters such as America, China and India should be persuaded to take preventative action; our contribution

> we are lucky that we have the sea on one side.

> Waste disposal. It is a bit late, but I am not convinced we are going the right way about this.

> Planning is a key player but, once again, there are likely to be too many agencies involved in the pursuit of sustainable buildings.

> New buildings, where possible, should have underground water catchment tanks. Domestic windmills etc. are not yet good enough.

> Energy from the sea is an appropriate form of renewable energy
> The Local Plan allows totally inappropriate modernistic designs in rural areas; often these are made of wood and glass and may well not last. There are some fine modern buildings in the countryside without being glass carbuncles. Perhaps this is an area where the Local Plan could be amended.

> Modern innovative designs only in towns.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18934

Received: 19/02/2007

Respondent: Rother Voluntary Action

Representation Summary:

Whilst conservation is a nice idea, the "natural environment" has to have an economic rationale or it will be abandoned. Other uses of the "natural" environment should be explored -using the tie up with health, recreation and energy generation.

More than 50% of Rother will be living in urban areas. Op en and green spaces, investment in recreation and healthy living infrastructure, improved design of buildings and in Bexhill's case, replacement of parts of the crumbling 19th century infrastructure including seafront thoroughfares to make them bike and foot friendly.

The strategy has glossed over investment in water conservation technologies, power generation, the creation of environmentally friendly transport systems, green route ways etc.

I would replace this theme with Environmental Sustainability.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18951

Received: 22/02/2007

Respondent: Southern Water

Representation Summary:

Protect all water resources.

Pollutants potentially adversely affect quality of water resources. Needs to protect water resources. The Local Planning Authority must consult the Environment Agency.

Manage flood risk, surface water can inundate sewerage system. Properties may become flooded by foul sewerage, even those remote from the flooded site.

Mitigation measures may be required. Development must incorporate surface water drainage to minimise risk of flooding. New development to have separate surface water and foul sewerage systems.

Must be efficient use of water to minimise consumption. Adopt the BREEAM method to assess environmental performance of new development and have policy to achieve a specific standard.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18957

Received: 22/02/2007

Respondent: National Farmers' Union (South East Region)

Representation Summary:

Long-term vision is there will be new agricultural market opportunities for change, including climate change.

Will be crucial to retain agricultural production capacity in regions that are able.

Novel crops may affect landscape character. Important not to stifle reasonable development into innovative markets by imposing an inflexible policy to protect present landscape character. There is likely to be a requirement for some new infrastructure to support new enterprises.

Renewable Energy projects are strongly supported. Farmers have the ability and capacity to provide fuel crops.

Farming can deliver environmental objectives as a by-product of their core agricultural operations.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18959

Received: 22/02/2007

Respondent: Garden History Society

Representation Summary:

Prefer policy on historic parks and gardens in core Strategy DPD with more detailed policy in Planning control Policies DPD.

Strongly advise consideration of policy in the LDF protecting sites on English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest and the local list of historic designed landscapes including public parks, cemeteries and gardens so that their character, appearance, setting and features can be safeguarded for the future.

Policy should indicate presumption against enabling development to accord with English Heritage Policy Statement â€~Enabling Development and the Conservation of Historic Assets’.

Suggest adoption of SPG for Historic Parks and Gardens.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18993

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Farming can also provide food within the local area as well as contribute to the character and appearance of the countryside. The contribution of forestry to the countryside, as well as farming, should be noted, particularly in this highly wooded district. More woodland management could have benefits from providing energy resource, improving opportunities for wildlife and an enhanced landscape.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18997

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

We agree with much that is contained within section 8. The Coastline draws both residents and visitors alike. The inclusion of the Shoreline Management Plan is supported.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18998

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

We support the need to ensure specific sites are protected for biodiversity, it is important that there is recognition of the need to ensure that connectivity between sites within the landscape is retained to maintain the landscape beauty particularly in the High Weald AONB. Ensuring the protection and management of ancient woodland in conjunction with renewable sources would be an improvement.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 18999

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

What are the most appropriate ways to manage flood risk?

There are opportunities for flood storage in floodplains (such as Pevensey and Rother District) and in certain areas increased wooded can reduce the risk to floodplains downstream. In urban areas sustainable drainage systems work well.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 19000

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Sustainable building is key to reducing the carbon footprint of the district â€" particularly use of renewable energy. However where there are new build sustainable building should also mean consideration of use of timber alongside other building products, as it has a much lower impact on the environment. We suggest that you set a target for new buildings that they should meet the â€~Very Good’ standard of EcoHomes/BREEAM.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 19001

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Rother is fortunate in having opportunities for wood, solar, smallscale hydropower (within existing hammer pond features). Woodfuel could play a important role in this well wooded district. Woodfuel is best used for heating. A large proportion of electricity generation is used for space heating, so this would reduce demand for electricity. Woodfuel works best at a local scale â€" supplying boilers for district heating systems or larger rural dwellings within a 10-20mile radius.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 19002

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

We encourage Rother Council to set targets for Renewable Energy which are at least 10% of on site generation (the Merton Rule). You may wish to note that other councils, such as Bracknell Forest (currently at submission stage of the LDF Core Strategy) are planning to require up to 20% in larger development.


Core Strategy Issues & Options

Representation ID: 19003

Received: 26/02/2007

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

It is important that the architectural heritage is conserved and drawn upon in new building design and part of the character involves the use of local materials eg wood, brick (from local clay sources). There are a number of specialised construction companies across the southeast who use local wood products in both traditional and modern ways - such as the Woodland Enterprise Centre at Flimwell.