Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
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Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 6: Do you agree with the policy approach to the retention of sites of social or economic value and the proposed policy wording?
Representation ID: 23263
Received: 20/02/2017
Respondent: Sport England
Sport England broadly agrees with the wording of this policy however it is concerned that the word 'realistic' is largely open to interpretation.
We would suggest it would be better to suggest at least two independent valuations are obtained in order to ascertain what a realistic valuation might be, rather than leaving this open to interpretation.
Policy DCO1: Retention of Sites of Social or Economic Value
In accordance with the presumptions set in the Local Plan Core Strategy, where developments are proposed that involve the loss or diminution of sites of social or economic value, including those currently or last in use as a community facility, public house, shop, tourist accommodation or business premises, in order to demonstrate that there is no reasonable prospect of a continued use,
proposals must be supported by either:
(i) evidence of a comprehensive and sustained marketing campaign, which clearly indicates a lack of demand for the existing use (or as an alternative commercial or community facility, where appropriate), based on marketing, normally at least 18 months, that offers the land or unit/s for sale as a going concern, or rental, at a realistic valuation of the site/premises for that use; or
(ii) clear evidence that demonstrates that the unit is not financially viable.
Sport England broadly agrees with the wording of this policy however it is concerned that the word 'realistic' is largely open to interpretation.
We would suggest it would be better to suggest at least two independent valuations are obtained in order to ascertain what a realistic valuation might be, rather than leaving this open to interpretation.
Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 23: Do you agree with the policy approach to managing environmental pollution through the planning process and with the proposed policy wording?
Representation ID: 23264
Received: 20/02/2017
Respondent: Sport England
Sport England does not disagree with the proposed policy wording, however, it would like to make it clear that modern floodlighting (and therefore modern sports grounds/tennis courts/football pitches etc) can be designed to keep light pollution to a minimum and would refer to the below guidance, as the addition of floodlighting can significantly increase the hours in which facilities are available to the local community.
Sport England does not disagree with the proposed policy wording, however, it would like to make it clear that modern floodlighting (and therefore modern sports grounds/tennis courts/football pitches etc) can be designed to keep light pollution to a minimum and would refer to the below guidance, as the addition of floodlighting can significantly increase the hours in which facilities are available to the local community.