Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
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Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 28: Do you agree with the requirements of Policy BEX2? If not, how would you wish to see it amended?
Representation ID: 23039
Received: 15/02/2017
Respondent: Hastings Badger Protection Society
I have included 3 examples of items we have contacted Rother District Council regarding our very serious concerns, we own a site at Preston Hall Farm that contains a very large Badger Sett. We went to the Consultation and informed Persimmon Homes that
(a) The Badgers were not being correctly catered for.
(b) The Slowworms had not even been surveyed alongside all other legally protected Species of Wildlife.
Additional supporting information was supplied which can be viewed here:
I have included 3 examples of items we have contacted Rother District Council regarding our very serious concerns, we own a site at Preston Hall Farm that contains a very large Badger Sett. We went to the Consultation and informed Persimmon Homes that
(a) The Badgers were not being correctly catered for.
(b) The Slowworms had not even been surveyed alongside all other legally protected Species of Wildlife.
Additional supporting information was supplied which can be viewed here:
Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan - Options and Preferred Options
QUESTION 111: Do you have any comments on this scope or content of the new Local Plan that are not covered by other questions?
Representation ID: 23040
Received: 15/02/2017
Respondent: Hastings Badger Protection Society
A.All Planning in depth Ecological Applications must include a full Ecological survey and report that covers all resident protected Species of Wildlife.
B.To encompass a full in-depth Survey takes several months.
C. Wildlife In the flesh live alongside humans very happily. we have yet to see one so called Bat box that is in use.
D.As an owner of a site that contains Resident and daily visits by populations of protected species of Wildlife is in law required to ensure the future welfare of the animals.
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After reading through your Development and site Allocation Local Plan either we have missed the correct heading or you have not included several important facts.
A. All Planning in depth Ecological Applications must include a full Ecological survey and report that covers all resident protected Species of Wildlife.
B. To encompass a full in-depth Survey takes several months not an hour and a half walk over. Listening gear with directional microphones are essential to number and track Common Shrews and Mini Shrews. Crested Newts and the other two Species all are now protected in law need careful surveying and as we all know it is not permitted to build within a thousand meters of a Great Crested Newts Breeding Ponds.
C. Wildlife In the flesh live alongside humans very happily, but Badly installed Bird ' boxes only feed Cats as the fledglings flutter to the ground and we have yet to see one so called Bat box that is in use Just figments of someone's imagination.
D. Although at 38 and 39 in your Glossary you mention Habitats it is not concerned with the sites depicted in other parts of your publication. An owner of a site that contains Resident and daily visits by populations of protected species of Wildlife is in law required to ensure the future welfare of the animals involved Badger safe alternative foraging and long term safe setts.
Slowworms and Common Lizards safe foraging and Hibernacula. Bats must be correctly catered for. Plus the fact The Ecologist must make out a correct true Annual Report available for all to see.
Additional supporting information was supplied which can be viewed here:
I have included 3 examples of items we have contacted Rother District Council regarding our very serious concerns, we own a site at Preston Hall Farm that contains a very large Badger Sett. We went to the Consultation and informed Persimmon Homes that
(a) The Badgers were not being correctly catered for.
(b) The Slowworms had not even been surveyed alongside all other legally protected Species of Wildlife.
Additional supporting information was supplied which can be viewed here: